Paris Hilton with her baby boy

Paris Hilton, the renowned heiress who recently became a mother, is facing online criticism targeted at her adorable 8-month-old son, Phoenix. Despite sharing joyful moments of her son’s growth, some individuals took it upon themselves to comment negatively on the size of Phoenix’s head. Paris wasted no time in responding to these hurtful remarks.

Expressing her disappointment, Paris took to her Instagram Story to label the comments about her son as “unacceptable.” She emphasized that while receiving comments is inevitable when living in the spotlight, targeting a child, whether it’s her own or anyone else’s, crosses the line. These hurtful remarks deeply affected her, and she highlighted the importance of creating an environment based on love, respect, and acceptance.

As a proud working mom, Paris conveyed that the assumption that she is not a good mother if she doesn’t share pictures of her baby is unfair. However, when she does decide to share glimpses of her precious bundle of joy, she encounters unkindness and hatefulness. Despite the challenges, Paris expressed her joy and gratitude for being a mother, something she has dreamt of for as long as she can remember.

Phoenix is Paris Hilton’s world, and he has brought immense blessings into her life. Each day spent with him reminds her of what really matters. It is disheartening to think that there are people out there who would target the innocent. Paris hopes that people can treat one another with more kindness and empathy.

Hilton’s point is valid. As a public figure, she is criticized regardless of whether she shares or keeps her son’s life private. However, regardless of fame, it is never acceptable to speak ill of an innocent child online. Let us all remember to spread kindness and refrain from targeting the innocence of children.