One scene in Netflix's Leave the World Behind is 'giving people recurring nightmares'

Netflix’s hit film, Leave the World Behind, has taken viewers by storm, sparking countless discussions on social media. However, there is one scene from this apocalyptic psychological thriller that has been causing some viewers a great deal of stress.

In the scene, Amanda Sandford, played by Julia Roberts, steps out of her car to investigate a group of newly crashed Teslas that are blocking the road. Meanwhile, her husband and their two children remain in the car, not knowing what they are about to encounter. As Amanda examines the situation, she discovers that the cars have been hacked through their self-driving software and are now uncontrollably crashing into each other. To make matters worse, the Sandford family is forced to dodge the stream of hacked Teslas speeding directly towards them.

This intense moment has left many viewers shaken, with some admitting that it has even become a recurring nightmare. One user on X expressed their fear, stating, “This Tesla scene in Leave the World Behind has already been recurring in my nightmares.”

Despite the fear it instills, some people found humor in the situation. Another user joked, “The self-driving Tesla scene in Leave the World Behind is very scary to think about but also very funny.” However, for the most part, the scene has left people genuinely frightened.

The family is then forced to dodge a stream of hacked Teslas speeding directly at them. Credit: Netflix

Even Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, joined the conversation, attempting to promote his car company. However, he was met with ridicule from users who felt he had missed the point entirely. Regardless, the scene has certainly made an impact and struck a nerve with audiences.

So, if you’re looking for a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat and give you chills, Leave the World Behind is definitely worth a watch. Just prepare yourself for that unsettling Tesla scene.