Have you ever had a family gathering go completely off the rails? Well, that’s what happened to me on Thanksgiving, and I need your advice on whether I was in the wrong or not. Let me paint the picture for you.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a while now, but his family is still stuck in the past. You see, he had a high school sweetheart whom he broke up with just before we got together. It was an amicable split, but for some reason, his family couldn’t let go of her.

His mother, in particular, was devastated by the breakup. She saw his ex-girlfriend as part of their family, and it seemed like she just couldn’t accept that things had changed. And so, the saga began.

From the very beginning of our relationship, his mother would call me by his ex’s name. At first, I thought it was just a slip-up, but it continued for a whole year. Even when my boyfriend confronted her, she brushed it off as a habit. Can you believe that?

But it didn’t stop there. Even after she stopped calling me by the ex’s name, she would still get my name wrong. It was as if she enjoyed hurting me. I tried correcting her a few times, but eventually, I realized it was pointless.

Fast forward to Thanksgiving. We were at my boyfriend’s sister’s house, and the tension was thick in the air. I was in the kitchen with my boyfriend’s mother, his sister, and her husband. The topic of conversation turned to cooking, and my boyfriend’s mother sarcastically suggested that I should cook the turkey. And of course, she got my name wrong again.

In that moment, I had had enough. I decided to make a point that she could no longer ignore. So when Thanksgiving rolled around, I showed up without the turkey. I thought my boyfriend’s mom had asked Janet to bring the turkey, not me.

Needless to say, chaos ensued. There was yelling, crying, and we ended up getting kicked out. It was a mess. And now, my boyfriend isn’t speaking to me.

So, was I in the wrong? Did I take it too far? I turned to Reddit for answers, and the response was overwhelming. Many people applauded me for standing up for myself and said that my boyfriend’s mother deserved a taste of her own medicine. Others suggested different approaches, but most agreed that I had been pushed to my limit.

What do you think? Was I justified in my actions, or did I cross a line? I’d love to hear your thoughts.