Linda was a proud and confident mother, believing she had raised her son, Connor, to be a gentleman. He was about to marry a wonderful girl named Carrie, and they even had plans for a joint business venture. However, everything quickly turned into a disaster during the maid of honor’s speech.

A Proud Mother’s Perspective

As a mother, Linda always strived to do her best. She never wanted to be overbearing or become one of those noisy ‘boy moms’ that you often see on the internet these days. Instead, Linda taught her son to respect women, care for the elderly, and stand up for the weak. She thought she had done a great job raising him.

When Connor introduced Carrie, Linda welcomed her with open arms. After all, she seemed like an ordinary girl who drove a modest car and didn’t ask for expensive gifts. Carrie’s own presents to Linda and her son were tasteful, but not extravagant. Linda thought it was just a case of Carrie being mindful of her spending.

But then came the day when Linda and her husband met Carrie’s parents. They were picked up in a luxury car, and Linda discovered that Carrie’s father owned a renowned building company. It turns out, Carrie’s family had plenty of money to spend.

When Linda asked why Carrie lived so modestly, her mother explained that they had an agreement. Carrie’s parents wouldn’t fund her day-to-day expenses, but they would support her if she wanted to start her own business. And of course, they would pay for her dream wedding.

A Perfect Opportunity

This news excited Linda’s son, Connor, immensely. He had always dreamt of starting his own technology company but lacked the financial means to do so. Connor had tried applying for grants, but luck was never on his side. So when Carrie’s parents offered their support, he saw it as the perfect opportunity.

During the drive back from meeting Carrie’s parents, Connor shared his idea with her. To his delight, Carrie immediately embraced it. They started discussing their business plans passionately, and Linda was thrilled to see them planning for their future as a family. Carrie even suggested meeting with investors right after the wedding.

Tensions Arise

However, as the wedding day approached, Linda noticed a change in Carrie’s behavior. She seemed to be struggling to meet Connor’s expectations for their business. Linda became concerned and asked Carrie if something was wrong. Carrie dismissed her concerns politely, although Linda couldn’t help but wonder if there were underlying family issues or minor conflicts between Carrie and Connor.

The Unforeseen Disaster

On the day of the wedding, Linda sensed that Carrie was particularly anxious. But Linda believed it was just normal wedding jitters, especially since Carrie’s father had invited many influential people. As the bride walked towards her seat, Linda noticed a heated argument between Carrie’s maid of honor, Susan, and Connor. Deep down, Linda had a sinking feeling that disaster was looming.

When it was time for the speeches, there was an eerie silence in the room as Susan, the maid of honor, raised her glass. Her expression was that of someone who knew their impending doom. After the standard pleasantries, Susan dropped a bombshell.

She revealed, in front of everyone, that she had been having an affair with Connor for months. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to the bride. To everyone’s surprise, instead of being devastated, Carrie burst into laughter.

Carrie then confessed that she had suspected the affair due to the way Susan and Connor looked at each other. To confirm her suspicions, she had installed hidden cameras in their home and caught the two lovers red-handed. Carrie snatched the microphone from Susan and revealed that she had drawn up a prenuptial agreement, cleverly crafted and signed by Connor without reading it. This agreement ensured that any infidelity would leave Connor with nothing.

But the surprises didn’t end there. Carrie gleefully announced that she had laced the pieces of cake with a slow-acting laxative. Chaos erupted as guests ran to the restroom, spitting out the cake, while the bride and her family watched from a distance. Amidst the confusion, Carrie approached Linda and reassured her that she was safe to enjoy the cake.

A Shattered Mother

Leaving the wedding hall that day, Linda felt completely shattered. She couldn’t believe what had transpired. Linda thought she knew the son she had raised, but now she questioned everything.