My Husband Cheated On Me, Then His Pregnant Girlfriend Called Me & Said, ‘It Worked’

I did everything in my power to avoid the nagging suspicion that my spouse might be having an affair with another woman. Even though we had created a wonderful life together, he was willing to stab me in the back at the very end of our relationship. He had no idea that I was already a few steps ahead of him.

Up until very recently, I believed that I had a good understanding of who I was and the life that I was leading with my husband, Joseph, who is forty years old. My name is Patricia, and I am thirty-five years old.

On the other hand, I have recently observed a few shifts in my husband’s behaviour, which leads me to feel that he is behaving in an unconventional manner. Simply put, anytime he is texting or taking a phone call, he has been a little bit more secretive this time around. Whenever we are seated together, his phone is always propped up in the opposite direction.

Additionally, he has been arriving home late and has been going on a very excessive number of work trips or staying late at the office. I feigned to sleep the other day when he returned after one of his long nights at the office. He was attempting to sneak into the house, and I pretended to sleep while he was coming in.

Observing him from the corner of my eye, I noticed that his shirt was unbuttoned. It’s possible that he did this in order to make himself more comfortable after work, but it’s not typical of him to have his shirt totally unbuttoned, with only his vest visible. Additionally, he is someone who typically takes a shower in the morning, but this evening he went straight to the shower and forgot to put his clothing in the laundry basket until later.

As soon as I opened my eyes the following morning, the first thing I did was sniff the clothing and examine them to see if they contained any hints. There was a small spot of crimson lipstick on his shirt, and it had an aroma that was really fruity and feminine looking. It seemed as though I was coming closer to the truth every day, yet at the same time, I was still so far away.

On the other hand, I was determined to get to the bottom of this matter since I was not willing to accept anything less than a marriage that was characterised by dishonesty. As someone who has always placed a high value on accuracy and planning, I made it a point to insist on a prenuptial agreement before to being married to Joseph. It served as my safety net, one that would grant me the right to everything in the event that our marriage was ever damaged by infidelity.

When I arrived home early one day, I discovered that Joseph and his coworker were sleeping on our bed in a position that was too close for comfort. As they frantically attempted to make it appear as though nothing had occurred, the seed of uncertainty had already been planted beforehand. I knew better than to believe a word that came out of his mouth, despite the fact that he made a lot of effort to persuade me that it was not anything that merited serious consideration.

Following a few days, I was able to get glances of messages that had been sent to Joseph’s phone by a woman named Amber. Each message disappeared within a few seconds of being read. With each passing day, the lie was like a noose that was tightening around my neck, choking me a little bit more.

Through a fortunate turn of events, I came upon Amber’s contact information. The moment I dialled her number, my heart began to rush. I asked Amber, “Amber, we need to talk,” while attempting to conceal the trembling that was in my voice.

During our meeting, I presented my strategy to you. Although I was unable to capture him in the act, I was certain that he had betrayed that trust. I suggested that she act as though she was pregnant. This was my way of ensnaring Joseph and exacting revenge on him for the gaslighting and ridicule he had committed.

During the course of our plan, I brought to light something that was much more incriminating. As a means of obtaining financial benefit, Joseph had faked my signature on various documents. Because of this, I finally broke down.

The pregnancy trap was set in action with Amber’s assistance during the process. The response that Joseph had to the news was one of complete and utter horror, which was precisely what I had anticipated. In an effort to save his assets, he filed for divorce, mistaking that he could outmanoeuvre me; nevertheless, I was prepared.

Never in my life did I imagine that I would have the courage to confront him. My voice was firm as I sat across the table from him and said, “Joseph, you have two choices: you can either sign the divorce papers and walk away, or you can get ready to see me in court, exposing every lie and every deceit.” The realisation of his dilemma caused his appearance, which was normally so composed, to become contorted.

The moment that I achieved the greatest sense of fulfilment in my life was when he signed the papers. After some time had passed, Amber and I celebrated our clever triumph. On the other hand, the pleasure of vengeance was only temporary. Over the phone, Amber spoke with Patricia, “We did it, Patricia,” with a tone of triumph in her voice. “Yes, but it’s not over yet,” I responded with a resolute conviction. “He can’t just walk away from everything he’s done.”

I brought accusations against him for his illegal activities, and he was ultimately sentenced to prison as a result of my efforts. As a result of going through this journey, I found that I possess a strength and determination that I had no idea was within me. I took a stand against Joseph, and in doing so, I took a leap of faith for my future.

If you found this to be interesting, here is another tale about a woman who hired a private investigator to hunt down her husband who had been cheating on her.

My husband, James, who is 39 years old, and I have been married for a few years now. I am 33 years old. At the beginning, we both came to the conclusion that having children was something that would be in our future. We also wanted to be financially secure and move into a house, which would be a significant change from our current small flat.

Which is precisely where we are at the moment.

While James is working in the field of cyber security and leading his own team at a huge corporate organisation, I am the Editor of a magazine that has achieved phenomenal success.

In light of the fact that I am now prepared to have a child, I have been waiting for James to make the necessary adjustments. In recent times, however, I have observed that James has been behaving in a rather peculiar manner. There is a certain scent that lingers in the air around him, and he is constantly on his phone, answering calls that come in late at night for example.

It was a devastating realisation for me to consider the possibility that James had been unfaithful to me.

On the other hand, if I was going to commence a family with this individual, I needed to be aware of the truth. The decision to engage a private investigator was made by myself.

Benson, the investigator, instructed me to “Listen, Alexis,” when we first met over a cup of coffee.

When you look at your husband, you will find that he is doing precisely what you believe he is doing the majority of the time. Therefore, it is imperative that you be ready for the worst.

I gave a slight nod. I had a clear understanding of what I was getting myself into, and I was aware that by the time the investigation was finished, my marriage might have been in jeopardy. All of the information that I knew about my life was dissected by the concept alone, but I needed to know everything.

Benson gave his word that he would take care of whatever was required, and I went back to my job, prepared to put together the last copies of the pieces before the deadline for the magazine.

Things then went a different path.

Towards the conclusion of the week, I had a meeting with Benson, who had assured me that he would have sufficient information for me.

“Eileen,” he said to me after I had taken a seat at the table there. The investigation ought to be shelved immediately. Now is the moment to put an end to this. Believe me, it is more secure for us to do so because there is a great deal more available.

The myriad possibilities that revealed whatever James was doing left me in a state of disbelief, and my mind was racing with the possibilities.

Because of Benson’s response, I was taken aback. I was aware that private investigators were exposed to questionable situations in the course of their employment; nonetheless, I was not anticipating Benson to actually decline the position once he had been following James.

He instructed me to “keep the money.” “I don’t want it.”

Nevertheless, I was unable to simply accept defeat and sit back. I would not take it if I was kept in the dark. And so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Hidden cameras and a voice recorder were going to be installed in James’ automobile as well as in his study at home, according to my plan.

However, as I was in the process of setting up the cameras, I discovered that there were already covert cameras in place. At our residence.

Who exactly was the man that I wed? As if our house were a prison that was constantly being watched over? I began to feel panicked, and I began to collect my belongings, getting ready to run away to my parents’ place till I learn more.

At that moment, James entered the room.

While he was looking at the suitcase that was open, he questioned, “What are you doing?”

“Why are there secret cameras in our house?” I made a demand.

The remark that James gave me caught me off guard.

How were you able to locate them? Additionally, did you want to put a camera in your home? The question was posed by him with a mild smile on his face, a smile that was not at all appropriate for the existing circumstances. It seemed as though he was attempting to diffuse a bomb through the use of kindness.

“I wanted to know if you were cheating on me, James,” I replied, suddenly fatigued. “But I didn’t know if you were.” However, these cameras are far more disturbing. Are you wondering how I am doing? Where did they come from? Which one are you?

They came pouring out, each one more weighty than the one that came before it.

James observed me for a brief period of time while the clock in the hallway continued to click away.

“I’ll tell you everything, but you need to try and understand,” according to him. “That’s all I ask.”

James admitted that he worked in security, but not the role that he had described to me.

“I’m an agent, Eileen,” he shared with her. “For the sake of our own safety, I was unable to reveal anything to you; but, I was unable to remain passive and do nothing. As a result, I was the one who installed the cameras, and I make sure to check them frequently for our safety..

“What agent?” I inquired, feeling foolish regarding my sluggish comprehension of what James was attempting to convey to me.

My name is Eileen, and I work with the Secret Service. In addition to providing protection for high-ranking members of the administration, I sometimes occasionally offer safety to diplomats who are visiting the country.

It was a race in my head. A covert operative, perhaps?

“Are you your own version of James Bond?” In an attempt to find humour in the circumstance, I inquired.

James let out a hearty laugh before returning to his level of seriousness.

He said, “It’s a lot,” and I agree with him. “It’s a stressful job, but I’m trying to get back into the cybersecurity part of it all.”

I questioned, “What exactly would that entail?”

“It would mean that I would sit behind a computer and watch everything regarding the people that I have to protect.”

“Why would you change to that?” As I attempted to comprehend, I inquired.

Due to the fact that it will be more secure for both of us. And we may begin making preparations for our family. I’m taking care of it for we.”

James gave me a friendly smile. Nevertheless, I was at a loss for words. Just a few hours ago, I was under the impression that my spouse was involved in something that was far more serious than simply cheating on me. After he disclosed the truth, I experienced a sense of calmness.

“Eileen?” James inquired about it. It is my sincere regret that I was unable to tell you the truth. Should we not go with this?”

It made me laugh. It seemed obvious to me that a rational person would not be able to deal with it. On the other hand, I had a deep affection for James, and I couldn’t fathom my existence without him, with a dash of espionage thrown in.

“No,” I clarified. “It’s not a deal breaker at all.”

My feelings of unease have subsided now that the truth has been revealed. Even while I am aware that our lives have not become any less difficult, at least I am aware of what I am dealing with.

It is only time that will tell whether James will follow through on his commitment to switch to the desk side of being an agent. Right now, we are in a place that is both honest and good.