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I recently had a hilarious conversation with my daughter that I can’t help but share. She called me up and this is how our conversation went:

Daughter: “You know that Gladiator movie that I got you?”

Me: “Yeah.”

Daughter: “Wind it forward one hour, 16 minutes, and 28 seconds.”

Me: “Right, I’ve done that.”

Daughter: “Okay, you see the gladiator at the front fighting the lion!”

Me: “I can see that, yeah.”

Daughter: “Just behind him, there are two gladiators having a sword fight with each other!”

Me: “Okay, I see them.”

Daughter: “Well, behind those two, on the left-hand side of the screen, there’s a woman gladiator holding a spear.”

Me: “Yes! I can see her!”

Daughter: “Right…! Those are the sandals I want for my birthday.”

Isn’t that just hilarious? My daughter has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh. It’s moments like these that remind me of the special bond we share. We can find humor in the simplest things, like a movie scene. I can’t wait to surprise her with those gladiator sandals for her birthday. It’s moments like these that make being a parent so joyful and entertaining.