
After the end of her marriage, this woman found herself accused of being heartless by her ex-husband’s new fiancée. She took to Reddit to share her story of navigating the delicate balance of co-parenting while establishing boundaries with her ex’s new partner.

The woman, now 36, and her ex-husband, 35-year-old Tom, divorced after he cheated on her with a coworker named Tammy. The Redditor remembered meeting Tammy at a work event when she was heavily pregnant with their youngest child. Tammy warned her, “Better up your wife game, or I could steal him off you.” Three months later, Tom left her for Tammy.

During the divorce proceedings, the Redditor caught her husband in the act of cheating, making the process less complicated. She ended up with everything in the divorce settlement and agreed to 50/50 custody for the sake of their children. She wanted to maintain a civil relationship with her ex-husband, allowing them to attend events together without fights. Eventually, Tammy started helping with the kids, but she would go out of her way to provoke a reaction from the Redditor.

One day, during a pickup, Tammy made a point of showing off her engagement ring and even asked the Redditor to be a bridesmaid and involve her daughters in the wedding. However, the Redditor was not interested and barely responded, as she was in a rush to take her cat to the vet. Later, she found out that Tammy was upset by her lack of interest.

In another incident, Tammy revealed that she was pregnant, but once again, the Redditor did not react as Tammy had hoped. A few months later, Tammy told her that they were having a son, and the Redditor made a sarcastic comment about her ex-husband’s excitement for an heir. Tammy did not find it funny.

The last time the two women saw each other was in December during a drop-off. When they met again, the Redditor learned that Tammy was no longer pregnant. Tammy tearfully told her, “We lost the baby.” Once again, the Redditor did not offer the sympathy that Tammy desired. Instead, she informed Tom about their daughters’ upcoming events.

This was the breaking point for Tammy. She yelled at the Redditor, calling her heartless and bitter. Her ex-husband and his family also scolded her, saying she should have shown more empathy towards Tammy, as she was their children’s stepmother.

But the Redditor did not feel obligated to pity the couple because their only connection was through their children. She made it clear to Tom that she did not care about what he and Tammy were going through outside of their parental responsibilities.

Despite the criticism she faced, many people in the comments agreed that the Redditor was not wrong to establish boundaries between her ex and Tammy. They understood that her focus should be on co-parenting and creating a healthy environment for their children, rather than being overly involved in her ex-husband’s new life.

In the end, the Redditor was commended for handling the situation with grace and maturity.