Let me tell you about an eventful evening my husband and I had recently. We were all set to go out for a delightful night of dinner and theater. But before we left, we took some precautions.

Since we had experienced a break-in before, we decided to turn on a night light in our home. We also made sure our cat was safely in the backyard. Now, you might be wondering why we did that. Well, our cat has a habit of chasing our parakeet, and we didn’t want to leave them unattended.

When our Uber arrived, we eagerly stepped out of our front door, ready for a night of fun. But, to our surprise, our chubby cat managed to squeeze between our legs and darted back inside. Without wasting a moment, my husband rushed back in to retrieve our feline friend and put her back in the yard.

Now, here’s where things took an unexpected turn. I didn’t want the Uber driver to think that our house would be empty all evening, so I quickly explained that my husband was bidding goodnight to my mother and would be joining us soon. Little did I know what my husband was about to say when he finally got into the car.

As the doors closed and we started moving, my husband, all flustered, blurted out something that left me both horrified and amused. He said, “Sorry it took so long, but the silly cat was hiding under the bed. I had to use a coat hanger to gently coax her out. She tried to escape, so I had to grab her by the neck and wrap her in a blanket to avoid getting scratched. Finally, I managed to bring her downstairs and put her in the backyard… I just hope she doesn’t do her business in the vegetable garden again.”

As you can imagine, an awkward silence fell upon the Uber. We exchanged glances, realizing how bizarre our conversation must have sounded to the driver. But hey, sometimes life throws unexpected curveballs, right?

And off we went, ready to enjoy our evening, leaving behind our eventful start to the night.