My Daughter Stopped Talking When My MIL Started Babysitting Her – My Wife & I Found Her Drawing That Exposed MIL

Lucas and Emily are confused when Catherine, his mother-in-law, reappears after a ten-year absence.

But Emily wants to take advantage of this opportunity to let her mother meet their daughter Allison. However, when the couple discovers that Catherine is causing more harm than good, things rapidly get worse.

I was aware that Emily’s family would disown her if I married her. They weren’t expecting me to be. I didn’t have a large bank account or come from a well-known family.

Emily said, “I don’t care, Lucas.” “They always think they know best, but this time, they’re wrong.”

Emily’s parents disappeared from her life after our wedding, only to reappear sometimes to text her a happy birthday or to send her a Christmas card that had several pictures of themselves.

Since they were Emily’s parents after all, I’ve often wondered if that affected her.

The answer to my question one day was, “No,” she answered. “They chose to leave me, not the other way around.”

Ten years on, Emily and I have grown so much. Because our professions have taken off, we are always adding to our savings. And Allison, our nine-year-old daughter, is our child.

Allison has only had her parents and our closest friends to rely on because Emily’s parents vanished and my parents are abroad.

Until recently.

Emily’s mother Catherine just happened to show up on our door. She carried a bottle of wine and a fruit basket.

“Emily,” she said as soon as I opened the door. “I’m back!”

My wife’s expression was utterly confused. She listened to her mother talk while she carried on chopping veggies for our dinner.

“Your father has lost me,” declared Catherine. “I came to understand that it was him who kept me from being with you. It was improper of me to listen.

I started cooking and left Emily to handle her mother. I was certain that, in spite of all Emily had said over the years, she would not abandon her mother. She couldn’t express how much she missed her.

Emily and her mother were getting along like a house on fire hours later. Although Catherine seemed happy to see Allison, I couldn’t get rid of a nagging feeling in my stomach.

Emily said, “Mom,” to Catherine. “You’ve really won Ali over. Perhaps you should give her more time. Take her out for ice cream, and perhaps even watch her for a bit.”

It surprised me how Catherine responded.

She smirked and replied, “Of course, but you know, my time is valuable.”

Catherine was prepared to watch babies after a few days.

She settled herself in our living room and remarked, “You two can go out for a date night or something.”

Emily felt happy that her mother was with Allison as we departed from our house.

Over the next few weeks, it occurred a few more times. I also observed that my daughter was growing more quiet. She would always shake her head and not answer when we inquired about her time with grandma.

Allison was an expressive child who got thrilled easily, so this was completely different from her.

Then, Emily discovered a crumpled piece of paper while organizing Allison’s dirty laundry in her room.

After our friends and I had returned from a hike, Catherine had been minding Allison.

“Lucas!” Emily yelled.

I hurried upstairs right away and discovered Emily poring over Allison’s box, our daughter’s little storage unit for her spending money, while she was studying the painting.

Emily told me, “There’s no way,” and then showed me the drawing.

The artwork by Allison, which showed Catherine stealing our daughter’s pocket money, indicated that the box was nearly empty at this point, with a few dollars tucked into the corner.

“Do you think she would do that?” With wide eyes, Emily inquired. “What else would Ali spend all her money on?”

I said, “There’s only one way to find out.”

Emily trailed me as I hurried downstairs, where I discovered Catherine getting ready to depart with her purse slung over one shoulder.

“Open your purse,” I said.

“How dare you?” Catherine cried out and looked to Emily for support.

I said, “Do it, Catherine.”

Catherine reluctantly took out her purse to reveal Allison’s pocket money.

“I’ll explain,” she murmured.

Emily stated, “You’d better,” in a cold tone.

“I had to be made whole. On the first night, I told you that, but you didn’t listen. Thus, believing that you had left the money with Allison for me, I grabbed it from her,” Catherine remarked.

Emily’s jaw fell.

“You stole money from a youngster voluntarily? from your own grandchildren?” Emily spit out.

“Were you aware that Allison won’t discuss you? She never talks about the things you two get up to. Did you instruct her to remain silent?” stated Emily.

With a sigh, Catherine turned to face the ceiling.

Indeed. She admitted, “I told her not to say anything.”

“Leave,” I commanded. “Leave this house and never come back.”

With desperation, Catherine turned to face Emily, but Emily avoided eye contact.

Lucas, you heard,” Emily remarked.

Following that, we got down with Allison and gave her confidence to tell us the truth. She related to us how, on their first night of babysitting, Catherine discovered her box just as she was putting Allison to bed.

Allison muttered, “She told me not to say anything.”

In an effort to ensure our daughter’s mental health, Emily and I made the decision to send her to counseling. We had no idea what harm this experience might have caused her.

After a few weeks, Allison has returned to her happy self. We’ve also assured her that she won’t see Catherine ever again.

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