A mother recently shared her heartbreaking experience on a Reddit group, revealing how her daughter chose to live with her financially well-off father instead of staying with her. However, years later, the daughter found herself at her mother’s doorstep, seeking refuge after her father kicked her out. This situation raised questions about whether the mother should accept her daughter back and what conditions should be set.

The mother’s journey began when she divorced her husband, the father of her daughter, Maria, when she was ten years old. While the divorce was unfortunate, it was a decision they had to make. The mother was granted their house in the divorce settlement but faced financial struggles as a stay-at-home mom. Eventually, she found stability when she got a job in her field. However, she had to budget carefully and couldn’t provide Maria with a lavish lifestyle like her father.

Maria’s father, on the other hand, had no financial constraints and indulged her with material possessions. This created a strain in the mother-daughter relationship over time. When the mother couldn’t afford to buy Maria a $1000 laptop, Maria compared her mother unfavorably to her father. Another disagreement occurred when the mother tried to help Maria secure a job. These conflicts eventually led to Maria moving in with her father for good, cutting ties with her mother.

But at 21 years old, Maria reached out to her mother again. She explained that her father had remarried and kicked her out. The mother was open to the idea of letting Maria move back in, but she set conditions. Maria had to earn her GED, work 25 or more hours per week, and attend college to prepare for her career. Maria also had to contribute to household chores and maintain her personal belongings. However, she didn’t have to pay rent and could enjoy her weekends as she pleased.

Maria, however, reacted negatively to her mother’s conditions, calling her crazy and a terrible mother. The conversation ended with Maria storming away. The mother decided to share her situation on Reddit, seeking advice and support from the online community. Many people thought the mother’s requirements were reasonable and beneficial for Maria’s future. Considering Maria’s age, she shouldn’t have contested her mother’s requests.

In the end, the question remained: Was the mother right to set conditions for her daughter to come back home rent-free after being kicked out by her father at 21? What would you have done in the mother’s position? This story resonates with others who have experienced strained family relationships and raises the issue of respect and compromise within families.