A woman shared her confusing Thanksgiving experience with her boyfriend’s family on Reddit, seeking advice on whether she was at fault. The woman, age 30, had been dating a man who had recently broken up with his high school sweetheart. While he had moved on, his family had a hard time accepting the change.

The boyfriend’s mother still felt connected to her son’s ex-girlfriend, considering her a member of the family since they had grown up together. This led to some uncomfortable situations for the woman. Despite the amicable breakup between her boyfriend and his ex, his mother took her frustrations out on the woman.

For an entire year, the mother persisted in calling her by the ex-girlfriend’s name. Even when she eventually stopped using the ex’s name, she would still get the woman’s name wrong. At first, the woman tried to correct her, but soon realized that the mother seemed to enjoy hurting her, so she stopped correcting her.

Dealing with her boyfriend’s mother calling her the wrong name was just one of the many challenges the woman faced. Thanksgiving brought another difficult situation. During a barbecue at her boyfriend’s sister’s house, the mother sarcastically suggested that the woman should cook the turkey for Thanksgiving, but again used the wrong name.

To make a point about the constant misnaming, the woman decided to take matters into her own hands. When Thanksgiving arrived and they went to the boyfriend’s mother’s house, the woman purposely didn’t bring the turkey, thinking that Janet (the wrong name) was responsible for it. This decision led to an explosive argument, resulting in them being kicked out of the house.

Since that night, her boyfriend hadn’t spoken to her, leaving the woman wondering if their relationship was over. Seeking advice from Reddit, she received support and validation for her actions. Many people believed she was a hero for standing up to her boyfriend’s mother. They highlighted that her actions were just a response to the mistreatment she had endured, like being called the wrong name repeatedly.

While some suggested she should have confronted the mother directly, most agreed that she had already tried and failed. They believed her drastic action was the only way to get the mother to realize her mistake.

Despite the uncertain future of her relationship, the woman found comfort in the support she received from others who understood her frustration and stood by her decision.