Do you ever find yourself in a frustrating situation where you have to constantly pay for someone else’s expenses? Well, that’s exactly what happened to this woman who shared her story on Reddit. Let’s dive into her dilemma and see what you think of her reaction.

The woman and her boyfriend enjoyed going out to eat with his children at restaurants once a week. However, there was one recurring issue – her boyfriend conveniently “forgot” his credit card every single time. As a result, she ended up being the one who had to foot the bill. Initially, this didn’t bother her, but as time went on, it started to take a toll on her finances.

One fateful night, after receiving payment from her part-time job, the woman and her boyfriend went out to dinner with his children once again. Knowing her boyfriend’s history of forgetting his wallet, she sent him a text reminder beforehand. But instead of taking it seriously, he laughed it off.

When they arrived at the restaurant, her boyfriend’s children excitedly ordered expensive items from the menu. Not wanting to repeat the past, the woman asked her boyfriend about his wallet, hoping he had remembered to bring it this time. However, to her dismay, he had that all-too-familiar look on his face – he had forgotten his wallet, again.

Feeling frustrated and taken for granted, the woman decided she had had enough. She grabbed her belongings and prepared to leave the restaurant without even getting the chance to eat dinner. Surprised by her reaction, her boyfriend demanded to know what she was doing and where she was going. In response, she firmly stated that she was tired of constantly paying for him and his children.

Later, her boyfriend called her, accusing her of being selfish for leaving him and his hungry children in that situation. She explained that she couldn’t continue paying for their meals every time they went out because it simply wasn’t fair. Despite his arguments, she stood her ground.

This story highlights the importance of open communication and fairness in a relationship. It’s understandable for the woman to feel frustrated after repeatedly being left to foot the bill, especially when it started affecting her financially. Relationships should be built on mutual respect and understanding, and it’s essential for both partners to contribute equally.

So, what are your thoughts on this situation? Would you have reacted differently? Let us know in the comments below!