While shopping at her local Target, a Michigan mom stumbled upon what she thought was a lovely and modest Easter dress for young girls. However, upon closer inspection, she noticed a detail that left her torn.

Meghan Mayer, a conservative mother of two and a seventh-grade teacher, was shopping with her older daughter when she spotted a smock-style dress with balloon sleeves. It seemed perfect for Easter, but her excitement quickly turned to confusion when she noticed the waist cutouts.

“I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, what in the world is going on here?’” Mayer shared with Today.com.

Mayer decided to capture her reaction on TikTok and share it with her followers, sparking a heated debate online. The responses were split, with some agreeing that the dress was inappropriate for young girls, while others saw no issue with it.

Many echoed Mayer’s concerns, expressing their agreement and disappointment, saying things like, “I completely agree. My daughter is 4 and is in a 6/7. Absolutely inappropriate.” or “That dress is SO CUTE until you see the slit. Why did they have to ruin it like that?!?”

Some individuals placed the blame on retailers, accusing them of trying to mature children too quickly.

On the other hand, there were those who saw no problem with the cutouts, reminiscing about their own childhood experiences. As one commenter mentioned, “When I was a kid in the ’70s, I wore halter tops and tube tops. They were not seen as big deals. I don’t think this is scandalous.”

Ultimately, the debate is ongoing, leaving the question of whether the dress is appropriate for young girls unanswered. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments on Facebook!