The parent-child relationship can be challenging at times, even though most moms and dads would do anything for their children’s well-being. They strive to teach them right from wrong and help them become valuable members of society who pursue their own happiness.

However, children don’t always listen to their parents or do as they’re told. They often get themselves into trouble and hide things from their parents. It can be a tough realization for moms and dads to accept that their children aren’t the innocent angels they pretend to be. This story is a perfect reminder of that.

A mother took her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor to figure out why she was experiencing morning sickness and cravings. The doctor listened to the symptoms and had a suspicion about what could be wrong, but he wanted to run some tests before jumping to conclusions.

After the tests, the doctor broke the news to the mother: her daughter was pregnant. The mother was in shock and immediately denied it. She couldn’t believe her daughter could be pregnant since she had never been alone with a man. The daughter also denied any involvement.

The doctor, tired of the mother-daughter theatrics, stood by the window holding the positive pregnancy test results. He remained silent for a moment before responding, “No, not really,” when the mother asked if something was wrong outside. Then, he turned to the daughter and said, “It’s just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the East and three wise men came over the hill. I’ll be darned if I’m going to miss it this time!”

At that moment, both the daughter and the mother had to face the reality, no matter how much it upset them. The tests didn’t lie, and the proof would become evident in the months to come.

This story serves as a reminder that, as much as we love and trust our children, we should always take their words with a pinch of salt. They tend to hide the truth from their parents at certain points in their lives.

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