Struggling with infertility is an experience that one in five couples face at some point in their lives. It’s a challenging and stressful time, but as one couple’s story shows, perseverance and patience can lead to a beautiful outcome.

Desiree and Ryan Fortin, a happy married couple who fell in love during college, had always dreamed of becoming parents. However, they faced the difficult reality of trouble getting pregnant for a long time. Desiree’s polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and low progesterone made the journey even more arduous.

For three years, Desiree and Ryan tried various infertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). They experienced heartache after heartache as they received one negative pregnancy test after another. The emotional toll was immense. Desiree recalls, “I never believed I could cry as much as I did when I was infertile.”

The couple had to endure shots, bruises, and countless medications, both physically and emotionally draining. But they never lost hope. And finally, their perseverance paid off. The news of a successful IVF treatment brought immense joy to their lives.

However, what awaited them was beyond their wildest dreams. During the ultrasound, they discovered not one, but three tiny hearts beating. Desiree and Ryan were expecting triplets!

As the pregnancy progressed, doctors informed Desiree that it would be challenging to carry all three babies to full term. They doubted her ability due to her height, weight, and it being her first pregnancy. But Desiree proved them wrong with her unwavering hope.

In the summer of 2015, the Fortin triplets were born via cesarean section at 34 weeks and 1 day. Sawyer, Jack, and Charlize entered the world weighing more than five pounds each, bringing immeasurable joy to their parents.

Desiree’s journey wasn’t without complications. She faced bleeding and had to undergo emergency surgery, which prevented her from immediately seeing her newborn miracles. However, her husband, Ryan, made sure she didn’t miss out. Through FaceTime, he allowed her to witness the first moments of their children’s lives.

After spending two weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), all three babies were finally deemed ready to go home. It was a pivotal moment for the Fortin family. Desiree and Ryan received the ultimate gift – three beautiful babies to call their own.

But the challenges didn’t stop there. As Desiree shared, “Raising children is a challenging profession.” The triplets suffered from colic and severe reflux, making establishing routines and sleep schedules even more demanding. However, the Fortin family persevered, navigating the ups and downs with love and determination.

Now, the triplets are seven years old, and the family is thriving. Desiree shares their journey, experiences, and everyday life with her 150K Instagram followers. Through their story, she hopes to inspire and impact the lives of others.

Desiree recently made another exciting announcement on Instagram – she and Ryan are expecting another child! Soon, this incredible family will grow to six, continuing their remarkable journey filled with love, hope, and endless blessings.