A heart-wrenching incident involving a one-year-old girl named Jailyn has left the community in shock. While her mother, Kristel Candelario, went on a 10-day vacation, Jailyn was left alone in her playpen at home. When Kristel returned, she discovered a devastating scene – Jailyn was not breathing. Panicked, she called 911, but it was too late. Firefighters pronounced the little girl dead.

The tragic cause of Jailyn’s demise was determined to be starvation and severe dehydration by the medical examiner’s office. As a result, Kristel pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated murder and endangering children. She now faces a lifetime behind bars without the possibility of parole. In exchange for her guilty plea, some charges were dropped by the prosecutors.

This unimaginable and heartbreaking case deeply affected the prosecutors involved, who sought justice for the innocent child. They emphasized that Jailyn’s suffering and untimely death should not be forgotten.

While Kristel’s attorneys acknowledged that their client struggles with mental health issues, they did not provide further details. However, they did express that Kristel takes responsibility for her actions and feels genuine remorse. They hope that people will understand that she is not a monster, despite the tragic outcome caused by her neglect.