At almost 60 years old, Lauren Cohen became the proud mother of male and female twins in 2006. Little did she know, this joyous event would come with a surprising twist.

Lauren, a mother of two from Paramus, New Jersey, met her now-husband Frank Garcia at a dance class in 2002. Despite a 20-year age gap, they fell head over heels in love.

“I never thought he could be interested in a woman so much older. But he was a great dancer, so I asked him to dance one night, and he said yes,” Lauren fondly recalls.

The couple tied the knot in July 2002, and it didn’t take long for them to realize Frank’s strong desire to start a family. They faced several challenges, as many doctors rejected Lauren for in vitro fertilization due to her advanced age.

After many setbacks, a doctor in New Jersey finally agreed to help, and the couple’s first daughter, Raquel, was born thanks to in vitro fertilization in December 2004.

But the surprises didn’t end there. Less than a year after Raquel’s birth, Lauren discovered she was pregnant with twins. On May 22, 2006, just before her 60th birthday, Lauren gave birth to Gregory and Giselle through in vitro fertilization with donor eggs.

Not only did this make Lauren the oldest mother in the United States to have twins, but she also tied the record set by an unnamed British woman on Christmas Day 1993.

“I don’t feel like a record holder. Except for arthritis, I’m in excellent shape,” Lauren proudly states.

Now a proud mother of four, Lauren prioritizes her health to fulfill her dream of watching her children graduate from college. She believes in taking care of herself by doing pilates and yoga, as well as taking nearly a hundred supplements every week.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to live as long as I can,” Lauren reveals. “I’ve set a target of seeing them through college. I’ve got to keep going for 17 years—until I’m 81.”

But being an older mother does come with its challenges. Lauren often finds it difficult when people mistake her for her children’s grandmother, especially her eldest daughter Renee.

Despite the challenges, Lauren and Frank are grateful for their three beautiful children, even if they miss out on spending time with their eldest daughter and granddaughter.

Wow, what an incredible journey for Lauren and her beautiful family! Her determination and love shine through as she defies all odds. We can all take inspiration from her story—a reminder that it’s never too late to make dreams come true.