Military Wife Gets A Letter That Brings The Internet To Tears -

Have you heard of Dennis Packee? He may not be a household name, but his story is truly worth knowing. A few years ago, Dennis, the owner of a Harley Davidson dealership, did something so touching that it went viral and continues to touch hearts to this day.

It all started when a soldier named Christopher Walters, deployed overseas, rented a space in Dennis’ Harley-Davidson store to keep his beloved motorcycle safe. Meanwhile, Christopher’s dedicated wife, Jamie, diligently kept up with the payments on the bike. Unfortunately, she fell behind at one point, but she made sure to send a check for the payment along with an apology explaining the delay.

When Dennis saw Jamie’s note, he made a heartwarming decision – he refused to accept the money. He gathered his office employees and said, “You send that money back to her!” You see, Dennis himself was almost drafted into the Vietnam War but got discharged due to a medical condition. He deeply understands the sacrifices that soldiers and their families make, and he is passionate about giving back whenever he can.

Dennis had an unwavering policy over the 18 years he owned the Harley-Davidson shop, and it’s something that played a part in his decision not to take the payment from Jamie. After returning the money, he simply brushed it off, thinking that was the end of it. But to his surprise, he soon started receiving an overwhelming number of phone calls from all around the country. People were calling to express their gratitude and admiration for his kind gesture. Initially, he thought the calls were from family members, but he soon discovered that they were strangers who had seen a picture of the letter online, posted by Jamie.

Despite not being active on social media, Dennis was taken aback by the flood of calls. The volume was so immense that he found it impossible to answer all of them. However, this experience reaffirmed his belief that America is still America and that people genuinely care about soldiers and their sacrifices. He eloquently expressed, “It’s just enlightened me. A small effort like this, and look where it’s gone. Maybe more will do the same thing.”

To top it all off, Dennis was visited by Representative Cheri Bustos, who presented him with a Congressional Record Statement. This recognition not only validated Dennis’ compassion but also served as a reminder of the impact one person can make through a simple act of kindness.

Dennis Packee’s story is a beautiful testament to the power of empathy and the enduring spirit of America. It reminds us all that the smallest gestures can have a ripple effect, touching lives in ways we may never anticipate. So let’s take a page from Dennis’ book and strive to make a difference, one act of kindness at a time.