Mildred, a mother in her fifties, paid a visit to her son Thomas one day. But what she witnessed at his place left her with mixed feelings. Thomas’s girlfriend, Delia, seemed nice at first but her behavior quickly raised red flags for Mildred.

As Thomas started making his favorite cupcakes, Delia made a comment that didn’t sit well with Mildred. Mistaking her for the maid, Delia criticized the unhealthy food without asking for permission. Mildred didn’t say a word but smiled, observing the situation.

Later, Mildred overheard Thomas defending Delia to his mother, oblivious to her concerns. However, during dinner, Delia’s attempt to impress Mildred with fashion talk fell flat. Thomas and Mildred didn’t share the same enthusiasm for Delia’s ideas.

Delia’s desire for a flashy marketing campaign clashed with the timeless elegance that Mildred’s fashion company represented. Mildred tactfully explained the importance of maintaining the brand’s identity. She tried not to offend Delia, but it was clear they had different visions for the business.

Eventually, Thomas surprised his mother with the news of his engagement to Delia. While Mildred wished them well, she couldn’t shake off her suspicion that Delia’s motives were centered around Thomas’s wealth. So, when the couple announced that they were expecting a baby, it further fueled Mildred’s concern.

After her visit, Mildred counselled Thomas to consider a prenuptial agreement. She wanted to protect the family business and ensure that Delia’s intentions were genuine. However, when Thomas mentioned the idea to Delia, she refused, insisting their love was more important than anything else.

Unconvinced, Thomas decided to put Delia’s love to the test. He realized Delia had drawn the pregnancy test lines herself, leading him to question her authenticity. The next day, Delia suggested Thomas break free from his controlling mother and transfer the ownership of the business to her.

Employing a clever ruse, Thomas falsely agreed to Delia’s demands. He played along to see just how far she would go for personal gain. Delia confidently believed she had won, but her victory was short-lived.

A knock on the door interrupted Delia’s celebratory phone call. To her horror, a team of people, led by a man named Patrick, arrived to seize assets due to significantly unpaid taxes on the business. Delia’s desperate attempts to negotiate only revealed her true character.

In an unexpected turn of events, it was revealed that Patrick and his team were actors hired by Thomas. The documents for the business transfer were fake, just like Delia’s pregnancy test. Thomas had orchestrated the entire scenario to expose Delia’s true intentions.

Devastated and pleading for another chance, Delia’s pleas fell on deaf ears. Thomas was done with her manipulations. As he asked her to leave, he turned to his mother and expressed gratitude for helping him realize the kind of woman he truly wanted to marry.

In the end, Mildred’s suspicions were confirmed, and Thomas had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of discerning true love from deceit.