Michael Strahan’s daughter Isabella, 19, reveals brain cancer diagnosis

In a heartbreaking revelation on Good Morning America, Michael Strahan and his daughter, Isabella, shared the devastating news of her brain cancer diagnosis. Isabella, a 19-year-old college student, bravely opened up about her journey and upcoming treatment.

Isabella began experiencing headaches during her first year of college at the University of Southern California. Initially dismissing it as vertigo, her symptoms quickly worsened. She started experiencing nausea and difficulty walking straight, leading her to seek medical attention. After waking up one day and vomiting blood, Isabella knew something was seriously wrong.

With the support of her family, Isabella underwent extensive testing, which ultimately led to the discovery of a fast-growing tumor the size of a golf ball in the back of her brain. She underwent surgery, followed by radiation treatment and rehabilitation. Despite the challenges she faced, Isabella recently completed her treatment, ringing the bell to celebrate this milestone.

Isabella’s strength and resilience have been a source of inspiration. She hopes to become a voice and beacon of hope for others going through similar journeys. “[Those who] are going through chemotherapy or radiation can look at [me],” she said.

As a proud father, Michael Strahan expressed his admiration for Isabella’s courage. He believes that she is resilient and capable of overcoming this obstacle. “I know she’s going through it, but I know that we’re never given more than we can handle and that she is going to crush this,” he said.

Isabella’s story serves as a reminder of the power of love, support, and determination in the face of adversity. Let us all rally together and show our support for Isabella as she continues her fight against brain cancer.