From a young age, we are instilled with the values of respect and gratitude for the flag and those who serve under it. Among those deserving of our utmost respect are our courageous soldiers who selflessly put their lives on the line in defense of liberty and freedom.

Regrettably, it is all too common for many people to forget about our troops and go about their lives without giving them the recognition they deserve. Fortunately, there are still individuals who remember and honor them every single day. Two brothers from Durham, North Carolina, had a heartwarming encounter while enjoying a meal at Chick-fil-A when two military members walked through the door.

What unfolded next will warm your heart and remind you of the kindness that still exists in this world. Jonathan and Stephen Full, accompanied by their children, were quick to notice the uniformed military men entering the restaurant. Without hesitation, Jonathan stood up and took action.

Reflecting on his decision, Jonathan told WTVD, “It has always been on my mind to pay for some military members’ meals when I get the chance.” Fueled by this intention, Jonathan followed through on a promise he had made to himself in the past. “It just hit me in my heart to do it then. And it just happened,” he explained.

Little did Jonathan know, there were more surprises in store. As if on cue, nine additional servicemen and women, all in uniform, entered the Chick-fil-A. Jonathan couldn’t help but jokingly wonder, “Man, is there a bus dropped off somewhere? Did we just hit the motherload here?”

Nevertheless, the sudden increase in numbers did not deter Jonathan from his heartfelt mission. He declared, “What I felt moving through my heart is I didn’t care if 200 more showed. I was still going to buy the meal.” In expressing his pride, Stephen later took to Facebook to share the incredible act of kindness performed by his little brother. He even captured some photographs to commemorate the moment.

What later came to light was the poignant connection behind Jonathan’s selfless act. Their step-brother Joshua had tragically succumbed to severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following his service in Iraq. His passing occurred just one week before the unforgettable day at Chick-fil-A.

In his heartfelt Facebook post, Stephen disclosed that Jonathan had asked the military members to reach out to anyone they knew affected by PTSD and to do their best to ensure they sought the help they needed. Jonathan’s act of compassion resonated deeply with Stephen, who rightfully expressed his immense pride in his brother’s actions. Furthermore, Jonathan’s remarkable example serves as a beacon for the rest of society to follow.

It is crucial to remember the sacrifices made by our soldiers to keep our country safe. Unfortunately, they are often overlooked and neglected. Let us all strive to emulate Jonathan’s kindness and ensure that our brave servicemen and women receive the honor and support they truly deserve.