Parents will do anything to protect and support their children, and Celine Casey and her husband are no exception. When their daughter, Vienna Brookshaw, was born in April 2021, they noticed a birthmark on her forehead called congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN). Although the birthmark didn’t pose any health risks, Celine was concerned about the emotional impact it might have on Vienna as she grew older. CMN is a rare condition where harmless pigment cells are present at birth, and they can potentially grow as the child ages.

Celine’s love for her daughter was evident as she sought options to address Vienna’s birthmark. She didn’t want her little girl to face unnecessary challenges or be affected by people’s curiosity in the future. Celine shared, “We enjoy watching her grow on her journey, and we look forward to the day she grows up and can express her own thoughts. We’d love her no matter what, even if we kept the birthmark.”

Sadly, the birthmark attracted attention, and Celine noticed that Vienna was treated differently by others, even as a baby. Determined to help her daughter, Celine approached the National Health Service (NHS) for potential surgical options. However, the NHS deemed the surgery cosmetic and not essential for Vienna’s physical health, leading them to refuse.

Refusing to give up, Celine started a fundraising campaign to gather the funds required for the surgery. In just 24 hours, the generosity of others helped raise $52,000. Although the amount was substantial, the increasing costs of hospital procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic meant that an additional $27,000 was needed.

Once again, Celine turned to the community on GoFundMe, seeking assistance in covering the remaining surgery costs for Vienna’s birthmark removal. She explained, “Everyone has things they feel unsure about in their body. The doctor said it wouldn’t affect Vienna’s mental health right now. But we didn’t see it that way. She’s starting school at three, and little kids are clever; they notice things like that.”

Thanks to the overwhelming support, Vienna, now two years old, has undergone successful surgery, completely removing her birthmark. Though a small scar remains on her forehead, it serves as a reminder of her remarkable journey. Celine continues to share updates on Vienna’s healing process and proudly comments on her daughter’s undeniable beauty.

Eager to ensure Vienna’s well-being, Celine took her to London for a follow-up visit with the surgeon. The visit confirmed that Vienna didn’t require any additional surgeries or treatments, leaving her as a healthy two-year-old who no longer needs medical care.

As Vienna embarks on her bright future, we send her our warmest wishes for a healthy and joy-filled life. Let us share her story, so others can celebrate her remarkable transformation and learn from her journey of resilience and love.