Little Johnny, a young boy from the neighborhood, always finds himself at the receiving end of teasing from the other kids. They often make fun of him for being perceived as less intelligent. But little do they know, Johnny has a clever strategy up his sleeve.

Their favorite prank involves offering Johnny a choice between a nickel and a dime. And without fail, Johnny always takes the nickel. This choice never fails to amuse the other boys. They find it hilarious that Johnny consistently chooses the smaller coin.

One day, a kind neighbor takes Johnny aside and offers some advice. The neighbor tells Johnny, “Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. Don’t you realize that a dime is worth more than a nickel, even though the nickel appears bigger?”

Johnny responds with a mischievous grin and says, “Well, if I took the dime, they’d stop teasing me. But I’ve got something even better planned. So far, I’ve made $20!”

Johnny’s cleverness shines through his response. While the other boys may think they are getting the best of Johnny, he’s actually turning the situation into a money-making opportunity. By consistently choosing the nickel, Johnny is guaranteeing himself a steady income.

This anecdote showcases Little Johnny’s ability to think outside the box and find unique solutions to challenges. It reminds us that intelligence and cleverness come in all shapes and sizes, and that it’s important to never underestimate someone based on appearances or stereotypes.

So next time you find yourself faced with a choice between a nickel and a dime, remember the tale of Little Johnny, and consider if there might be a clever strategy hidden beneath the surface.