Embracing Parenthood Against All Odds

Being asked about having children is a common experience for most married couples. However, for Charli Worgan and her husband Cullen, the questioning was often accompanied by curiosity and doubt due to their different forms of dwarfism. Despite the public scrutiny, the Sydney-based couple didn’t let anything hinder their desire to have a family.

When Charli gave birth to their first daughter, she decided to create a social media account to share their unique family life and educate others about their experiences. Little did she know, her account would attract over 300,000 followers and become a platform for raising awareness and breaking down stereotypes.

Through their journey, Charli and Cullen faced numerous challenges. With each pregnancy, they had to go through painful genetic testing. Their genetic conditions meant that their children could inherit one type of dwarfism, be of average height, or inherit both types of dwarfism, which doctors warned could be fatal. With each baby, there was uncertainty and fear.

Charli recently announced that she is 14 weeks pregnant with their third child. However, the announcement came with a mixture of joy and anxiety. Unlike most expectant mothers celebrating at the 12-week mark, Charli went through a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) procedure, a test that carries a 2% risk of miscarriage. The test was necessary to determine the genetic makeup of their baby and assess their chances of survival.

Their two beautiful daughters, Tully and Tilba, both have one of the types of dwarfism. With their third child, Charli and Cullen anxiously waited to learn which of the four possibilities their baby would have. It could be of average height, have the same form of dwarfism as Charli or Cullen, or, the most devastating option, inherit both types of dwarfism with a fatal prognosis upon birth. Charli expressed the emotional turmoil of waiting to find out if their journey together would continue or end prematurely.

Opening up about their experiences on her Instagram account, Charli acknowledges the criticism they have faced for choosing to have children against the odds. However, by sharing this small piece of their puzzle, Charli hopes to convey that their decision was not made lightly and that kindness should prevail in judging others’ choices.

Despite the challenges and criticism, the couple now have three beautiful children. Their newest addition, baby boy Rip, was born in February. In a heartfelt post, Charli shares her exhaustion, gratitude, and the realization that there is no “correct” or “wrong” way to do motherhood. She embraces the struggles and joys of bringing children into the world, just like any other parent.

Charli’s posts are an inspiration to all, showcasing the resilience and love that define her family. Their journey reminds us that the gift of parenthood knows no boundaries and that the human spirit can overcome any obstacle. Let us celebrate their health and happiness as they continue writing their extraordinary story together.