Woman Who Lost Engagement Ring In Her Garden Finds It Around A Carrot 13 Years Later

Have you ever lost something valuable and thought it was gone forever? Well, that’s exactly what happened to Mary Grams in 2004 when she lost her engagement ring while gardening on her family’s farm in Alberta, Canada. She searched high and low but couldn’t find it, and eventually accepted that it was lost forever. Little did she know, fate had a surprising twist in store for her.

Fast forward to 2017, almost 13 years later, when Mary’s daughter-in-law made an astonishing discovery. While plucking a carrot from the garden, she noticed something unusual wrapped tightly around the root. To her amazement, it was Mary’s long-lost engagement ring!

When Mary lost her ring all those years ago, she didn’t even tell her husband, Norman. Instead, she decided to buy herself a similar-looking ring in the hopes that he wouldn’t notice it was missing. “I didn’t tell him because I thought for sure he’d give me heck or something,” Mary confessed.

Even though Mary and her family had moved away from the farm, they still maintained the garden where the ring was lost. It was a special place filled with memories, as it had been in their family for over 105 years. So, when Mary’s daughter-in-law found the ring on the carrot, it immediately became clear whose ring it was. “I knew it had to belong to either grandma or my mother-in-law because no other women have lived on that farm,” said Colleen Daley, Mary’s daughter-in-law.

Considering the remarkable circumstances, it’s no wonder that everyone was astounded. The ring had grown perfectly around the carrot, creating a truly bizarre sight. “I’ve never seen anything like that. It was quite interesting,” added Daley.

Naturally, Mary was overjoyed to have her beloved engagement ring back. She plans to wear it on her finger where it belongs, proudly displaying the symbol of her love. “I’m going to wear it because it still fits,” she said with a smile.

Unfortunately, Mary’s husband passed away over five years ago, not long after they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. But now, she has a precious memento that reminds her of their enduring love.

Source: blissfularea.com, bbc.com