I Revealed My Fiancé Was Cheating On Me to His Family – His Grandma Gave Him an Ultimatum

The infidelity of a young woman’s fiance was revealed to his family by the young woman, which resulted in unanticipated consequences.

As she struggled to come to terms with the repercussions of the split, an ultimatum from her ex-fiancé’s grandmother brought a twist to the story, leaving readers to examine the complexities of love, betrayal, and the dynamics of the family.

Around the month of February 2024, a female poster who wished to remain anonymous posted her experience on the “AITAH” community on Reddit.

The original poster (OP), who was 22 years old at the time, discussed the dissolution of her engagement to her fiancé, who was 23 years old at the time, and how he eventually had to face severe penalties for his conduct.

She emphasised the importance of venting without her friends and fiancé finding out despite the fact that she was not using her primary account.

A history that began in elementary school with her now-ex-fiancé was described by OP in order to provide perspective for the situation.

Both the OP and her fiance came from households that were deeply religious. OP chose to continue her education after graduating from high school, while her fiancé enlisted in the military.

They managed to navigate their relationship through high school. When OP was 21 years old and her fiance was 22 years old, they went through a period of long-distance romance because he was stationed in another state. Eventually, they became engaged.

OP was overwhelmed with a flood of calls and messages from her ex-fiancé, who was anxious to fix the broken relationship. This occurred two days after the initial breakup of their relationship.

In the beginning, the plan called for OP to graduate from college and then relocate to the area of her fiancé in order to look for work.

In contrast, OP received troubling news a few months earlier when she received a phone call from a friend who lived in close proximity to her fiance.

The friend said that OP’s fiancé had been engaged with another female for a period of time dating back several months.

The friend provided evidence to support the statement by presenting incriminating photographs and the social media profiles of the other woman.

In order to take advantage of the fact that her fiance was coming back to attend her graduation, OP addressed him.

During a conversation that broke my heart, he admitted to having an affair, revealing his feelings for the other lady while simultaneously reiterating his unconditional love for OP.

Her heart was broken by the betrayal, which occurred after they had spent years together. She made the difficult decision to call off the engagement and put an end to their relationship.

When the main character (OP) began to discuss the religious aspects of her upbringing, the story took a different path.

Both she and her now-ex-fiancé adhered to these ideals, since they had been brought up with strong morals that discouraged involvement in sexual activity before to marriage.

In spite of the fact that they were aware that their posture would be considered peculiar by some others, it was an essential component of their relationship.

The discovery that her ex-fiancé had chosen to have a girlfriend in order to “take care of his needs” while he was away destroyed the commitment that they had previously agreed upon during their time apart.

In the aftermath of the breakup, OP sought advice from her parents and engaged in a conversation with the family of her ex-fiancé, therefore shedding light on the intricate layers of their history together.

It was not unusual for OP to involve herself in frequent interactions with the family of her ex-fiancé, particularly with his sister, who was 16 years old.

She had developed a strong relationship with his family by having the ability to lend a sympathetic ear whenever it was required.

It was the urge to confront the recent breakup that prompted her to reach out to his family, who extended an invitation to her to join them for dinner.

In stark contrast to her ex-fiancé’s hazy depiction of their problems as a simple argument, she took advantage of the chance to speak openly and honestly about the matter.

During this key conversation, the grandma, who was a regular Mahjong companion, displayed evident displeasure at her grandson.

She pleaded with OP to reconsider, and she emphasised her commitment to mend the relationship that had become strained.

OP did not allow himself to become preoccupied with the request, initially dismissing it as the grandmother’s rage. OP was overwhelmed with a flood of calls and messages from her ex-fiancé, who was anxious to fix the broken relationship.

This occurred two days after the initial breakup of their relationship.

The unexpected turn of events occurred when she found out that his grandmother, a significant role in the family, had made the decision to exclude him from the will regardless of whether or not they mended and were married.

OP’s ex-fiancé, who was supposed to inherit the family business, was especially devastated by this news because he was going to inherit it.

Unmoved by the financial stakes and his attempts to buy her compliance, OP remained steadfast in his decision, stating the profound emotional scars that were caused by his actions as an obstacle that could not be overcome in order to achieve reconciliation.

After being conflicted by the opinions of others, OP sought advice from her friends, who labelled her as the culprit and urged her to forgive and marry her ex-fiancé for the sake of his financial future.

The amount of pressure increased as people made statements such as “I am just mad now and this will ruin his life” and “think about him and his future.”

With the weight of their viewpoints pressing down on him, OP acknowledged to struggling with the concept and posed the issue, “AITAH for breaking up with my [fiancé], and he ends up getting cut out of his grandma’s will.”

The narrative of OP garnered an incredible amount of support from the online community, which overwhelmingly unanimously declared her to be “NTA.”

In a post, one user stated, “Marrying him will make your life terrible.” For the sake of him to do it once more, you make concessions to your principles. And very likely once more. This is the NTA. You can never again put your faith in him.

“NTA. When it comes to personal relationships, cheating ought to be a major deal breaker. because you are not only destroying someone’s heart, but you are also violating the trust that they had placed in you,” said another commenter.”

“NTA…He violated two golden rules, the first of which is…[Do not] engage in dishonesty…Second, [be sure] you don’t irritate your grandparents.According to the revelations of a different user, “they have neither the time nor the patience for BS behave.” It is not your fault that he is in this circumstance; it is his.