An anonymous woman recently shared her story on Reddit about a Thanksgiving dinner gone wrong with her mother-in-law. Let’s dive into the details and see if you think she was wrong to leave the celebration.

The woman, who is currently five months pregnant, has pre-existing health issues that require her to follow a meat-free diet. This has caused clashes between her and her mother-in-law, especially when she refuses to eat the food her mother-in-law prepares. Usually, she either attends dinner and doesn’t eat anything or stays home. However, this time, out of respect for her mother-in-law, she decided to bring her own small meal.

When she arrived at the Thanksgiving dinner, her mother-in-law made a big fuss about her bringing her own food. She claimed that the woman was robbing her grandbaby of the benefits of meat. The woman explained that she takes supplements as a replacement, but her mother-in-law was still upset.

During dinner, the mother-in-law took the woman’s dish and said she would reheat it for her and put it on the table. However, when the woman sat down and looked for her dish, it was nowhere to be found. When she asked her mother-in-law about it, she denied ever receiving the dish and suggested that the woman had left it at home or in the car. This led to a heated argument, with the mother-in-law trying to convince the woman to just eat what she had prepared. The woman refused and decided to leave the celebration, taking her belongings with her.

Later, the woman found out that her mother-in-law had actually thrown out the dish she brought and had tried to get her to eat what was on the table. Her mother-in-law claimed that she was looking out for the health of her grandbaby, while her husband believed it wasn’t worth leaving the celebration and causing a scene. This disagreement led to a big argument, with the mother-in-law accusing the woman of being dramatic and difficult to deal with.

So, was the woman wrong for leaving the Thanksgiving dinner? It’s important to note that the dish she brought was not just an appetizer or a side dish but a meal that was meant to keep her full and provide all the necessary nutrients she needed. She had also put effort and money into making it. Considering all of this, it’s understandable why she felt upset and decided to leave.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide whether the woman was in the right or not. What would you have done in her situation?