An Indian man recently went on a date with a white woman he had a crush on from his gym. However, things didn’t go as planned and he quickly realized that their personalities were not aligned. In fact, the date went so badly that the man made the decision to block her number and never see her again.

What Happened during the Man’s Date?

For their first date, the man decided to book a Korean barbecue restaurant. While waiting for their table, they sat at the bar and got to know each other. Once they were finally seated, the woman asked a surprising question: “What is the fire on the table for?” The man was taken aback by her lack of knowledge about Korean barbecue but kindly explained the concept to her. He mentioned that they would be grilling their own food, to which she responded with confusion, asking why they had to do all the work.

Despite feeling embarrassed by his date’s behavior, the man decided to continue with the date. Throughout their meal, the woman made several remarks that left the man feeling uncomfortable. When they ordered dessert, the woman made a comment about the “useless immigrants” and expressed concern that they were in the country illegally, using American tax dollars. This offensive remark caught the attention of a nearby group, who began whispering amongst themselves. To make matters worse, the woman started saying awful things about them and even used a racist slur against Pakistani people.

This shocked and horrified the man, especially considering he himself was Indian. When the woman noticed his expression, she clarified that she didn’t mean Latinos because she loves Mexican food. Despite feeling disappointed by her mistaking his ethnicity, the man stayed until the end of dessert.

When he excused himself to use the bathroom, he made the decision to pay the bill with a tip and leave the restaurant without saying a word to his date. He couldn’t bear the thought of spending twenty minutes in the car with someone who had said and done such terrible things. Once he got home, he blocked her number and even contemplated switching gyms to avoid running into her.

The man turned to the internet to seek advice and opinions from others. He questioned whether he was wrong for leaving the woman at the restaurant without any explanation. Some people felt that he should have explained his decision to her, while others believed he was justified in his actions.

While this may have been a one-time experience, it is important to remember that finding a compatible partner and building a healthy relationship takes time and effort.