In a Reddit post from November 2022, an anonymous woman shared her story about her fiancé’s unexpected request regarding their upcoming wedding. The couple had been together for six years and engaged for eight months. While she took the lead in most of the wedding planning, her fiancé, Ryan, occasionally offered his input.

About a month ago, Ryan surprised her by suggesting that she should not wear a white dress on their big day. At first, she thought it was related to his artistic nature and didn’t pay much attention to it. However, as the argument escalated, she began to question their future together.

Despite Ryan’s insistence, she remained steadfast in her desire to wear white, a traditional choice for brides. Two weeks before the wedding, she bought her white wedding dress, which caused even more controversy. Ryan was visibly irritated and demanded to see the dress, but she stood her ground, wanting to keep it a surprise.

When she revealed that the dress was white, Ryan’s reaction was explosive. He believed that brides should only wear white if they were “pure.” This revelation shocked her, as their relationship had already moved past initial insecurities about their pasts.

In an attempt to gain support for his viewpoint, Ryan involved his mother in the argument. But even she ended up siding with the woman. The confrontation was intense, with tears and emotions running high.

The woman’s faith in their relationship was shaken, and she couldn’t help but feel disgusted by Ryan’s actions. His fixation on her past, despite not being particularly religious, raised further doubts in her mind. Frustrated and seeking advice, she turned to online forums to share her story.

Months later, she found herself single and going on her first date in years. Unsure of what to wear, commenters suggested she wear red, symbolizing strength and resilience.

In conclusion, the woman’s decision to end her engagement was driven by her deep discomfort with Ryan’s expectations and judgments about her past. The incident raised concerns about the future of their relationship and highlighted the importance of mutual respect and acceptance. Whether you agree with her choice or not, it serves as a reminder that each person deserves to be valued and loved for who they are.