Dance routines are a delightful sight to behold, especially on the internet. There’s something captivating and enjoyable about watching people dance. Believe it or not, studies have shown that watching others dance can actually reduce our stress levels and improve our mood. Isn’t that fascinating?

If you’re in need of a refreshing and fun video to brighten up your day, then this amazing dance routine is just what you need. Prepare to be mesmerized by the enthusiastic moves and infectious smiles of this couple. Known as Sophie & Thomas, they have their own YouTube channel where they showcase their impressive talents.

Their dance routine, set to the timeless 1962 classic “Do You Love Me” by The Contours, will have you tapping your legs under tables and feeling a little groovy yourself. It’s truly remarkable how this couple shares a glimpse of their happy and beautiful life through this performance, and it’s equally amazing that they decided to share it with the world.

It’s no wonder they are receiving an abundance of love and admiration from viewers. So go ahead, watch the full video below and don’t forget to leave a comment on Facebook to let us know what you thought! You won’t be disappointed.