Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has made a bold demand regarding his appearance before Congress in the ongoing investigation into his family’s business dealings. In a letter to Rep. James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Biden’s lawyers stated that he would only testify if the hearing is public. The move comes as part of Biden’s increasingly aggressive counter-strategy against what he perceives as a “cloaked, one-sided process.”

Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, argued that a public proceeding would prevent selective leaks, manipulated transcripts, doctored exhibits, or one-sided press statements. This demand aims to ensure transparency and fairness in the investigation. Lowell further predicted that the witnesses subpoenaed by the committee, including President Biden’s brother James Biden and Biden family associate Rob Walker, would demonstrate the baselessness of the Republican accusations against the president and his family. Lowell emphasized that the American people should have the opportunity to see this for themselves.

However, Rep. Comer rejected the proposal for a public hearing to replace Biden’s private deposition, which was initially scheduled for December 13. Comer acknowledged that Hunter Biden should have the chance to testify in a public setting at a later date but accused him of “trying to play by his own rules.”

This latest letter from Biden’s legal team is part of a broader campaign to push back against the congressional probe, civil lawsuits, and a criminal case that Hunter Biden currently faces. Biden has sued Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani’s former lawyer Robert Costello, and the owner of the tech shop where he dropped off his infamous laptop, John Paul Mac Isaac, alleging violations of his privacy through the distribution of his personal information. Additionally, his lawyers have been engaged in public disputes with Justice Department lawyers over charges related to illegal gun ownership while using drugs. These confrontations have led to the unraveling of a plea deal that would have allowed Hunter Biden to enter a diversion program and avoid the charges.

The House Oversight Committee’s request for Hunter Biden’s testimony comes as the House is expected to conclude its impeachment probe into President Biden early next year. The investigation has focused on a collection of bank records, witness testimonies, and emails connecting Hunter Biden to his family’s business dealings. However, none of the publicly revealed material has shown any wrongdoing on the part of the president. Many Republicans remain skeptical of the need for impeachment based on the evidence presented thus far. While some material does suggest that Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s name for professional gain, the president has consistently denied any involvement in his family’s businesses.

Biden’s demand for a public hearing reflects his determination to face the accusations in a transparent and fair manner. By allowing the American people to witness the proceedings firsthand, he hopes to dispel the baseless allegations made against him and his family.