Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions filled with love, laughter, and happy memories. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and it’s the actions of the bride that can turn a special day into a disaster. In a recent thread on Reddit, users shared their stories of how brides ruined their weddings, and the results were both shocking and entertaining.

Bridezilla Takes Over

One user shared a story about a bride who took control of every aspect of the wedding, leaving the groom and the guests feeling like they were just along for the ride. From choosing the venue to picking out the decorations, the bride had to have her way, and it left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. The groom’s family felt excluded, and the guests couldn’t wait for the ordeal to be over.

The Unreasonable Demands

Another Redditor talked about a bride who made outrageous demands on her wedding party. From expensive bridesmaid dresses to over-the-top hair and makeup requirements, the bride’s expectations were beyond unreasonable. The wedding party ended up feeling more like indentured servants than honored guests, and it put a strain on their relationships with the bride.

Drama, Drama, Drama

One user shared a story about a bride who thrived on drama. From arguing with the vendors to causing a scene with her in-laws, this bride seemed to revel in the chaos she created. Instead of focusing on the love and happiness of the day, everyone was caught up in the bride’s theatrics, and it left a lasting negative impression on all involved.

The Absentee Bride

In a particularly sad tale, a Redditor shared their experience with a bride who seemed more interested in partying than getting married. The bride was hardly present at her own wedding, spending most of her time at the bar or on the dance floor. The groom and the guests felt neglected and unimportant, and it was clear that the bride’s priorities were not where they should be.

Lessons Learned

While these stories are certainly entertaining, they also serve as cautionary tales. They remind us that weddings should be about love, respect, and making memories with our loved ones. When brides become consumed with control, unreasonable demands, drama, or their own desires, they risk ruining what should be a special day for everyone involved.

So, if you’re a bride-to-be or know someone who is, remember to keep things in perspective. It’s important to communicate openly with your partner and listen to the concerns and desires of your family and friends. Remember that a wedding is not just about the bride, but about the union of two people and the celebration of their love.

Let’s make weddings memorable for all the right reasons, and not because of a bride’s bad behavior.

Weddings are meant to be a joyous occasion, a celebration of love and commitment. However, sometimes the stress and pressure of planning a wedding can bring out the worst in people. In this article, we will share some shocking stories of bridezillas and their outrageous behavior on their special day. Get ready to be amazed and appalled by these tales of wedding day drama!

Pregnant Woman

One bridezilla threw her bridesmaid out of the wedding simply because she was pregnant. The bride was furious because she thought the pregnant bridesmaid would ruin the pictures. Sadly, three months later, the woman miscarried. The bride’s response? “Good, well now you can be back in the wedding.” Needless to say, the woman did not attend the wedding after such a heartless comment.

Bride’s Photoshoot

On a scorching hot day, a bride threw a tantrum during the wedding photoshoot. The bridal party was sweating and about to pass out, so they suggested moving to a shady spot. However, the bride insisted on taking photos in front of a full-sun pond. None of the bridesmaids wanted to walk there in their heels, but the bride pouted her way through the rest of the shoot. Shockingly, the couple divorced just a year later.


In a shocking display of selfishness, a bride-to-be threw a tantrum because her grandmother passed away a few hours before her wedding. She was upset because it would disrupt the seating arrangements and leave a big empty spot. Unbelievably, she is now halfway through her second divorce.

Selfish Man

A groom’s brother went missing just two weeks before the wedding. The groom received a call on the morning of the wedding that his brother had been found dead. Understandably, he couldn’t go through with the wedding. However, the bride slapped him and called him selfish. The groom and his friend left, and they are still good friends to this day.


In a last-minute change, a bride replaced a bridesmaid because her hair didn’t match the dress. The bride was very particular about her requirements, and when the original bridesmaid dyed her hair a slightly lighter brown, she was kicked out of the wedding. It seems like the bride cared more about the color of the hair than the friendship.


One bride took her demands to a whole new level. After drinking on an empty stomach, she ordered her friend to wipe her in the restroom because of her massive, billowing dress. When her friend declined, the bride slapped her and the friendship ended right there. Years later, she tried to apologize, but the damage had been done.


A hairstylist shared her experience with a bridezilla who couldn’t make up her mind. The bride asked for a funky hairstyle, but when it was almost done, she changed her mind and wanted a classic Audrey Hepburn style. The stylist explained that it was too late to change, but the bride lost it and called her mother to intervene. It was a shocking experience for everyone involved.

Groom’s Alarm

During a wedding ceremony, the groom’s phone alarm went off in his pocket. The bride interrupted the pastor to grab the phone and complained about the interruption. She even rolled her eyes and made sarcastic comments during important moments of the ceremony. It was clear that she had no respect for the sanctity of the occasion.

Big Day Ruined

In a particularly dramatic turn of events, a bridezilla’s wedding was ruined by her own actions. The bride was mean to everyone, and the groom’s friends urged him to call off the wedding after she claimed to have a miscarriage. The groomsmen refused to sit next to her at the reception, leaving her alone at the table. When she found the bridesmaids in the restroom, she exploded in anger, blaming a young bridesmaid for ruining her wedding. The whole reception was witness to her outrageous behavior.


A bride had a major meltdown when she realized that the sun would be setting over land instead of water during her beach wedding. She couldn’t understand that the sun sets in the west, and she was on the east coast. Her lack of basic geographical knowledge caused unnecessary stress on her big day.


In a bizarre twist, a woman became a replacement bridesmaid at the last minute because the original bridesmaid had been sent to prison for child abuse. The problem was that the replacement was two feet shorter and two hundred pounds lighter than the original bridesmaid. It was a race against time to find a dress that would fit.

Bride from Another Country

Flying to a foreign country to be a bridesmaid is a big commitment. However, this bridesmaid witnessed the bride’s outrageous behavior throughout her stay. From neglecting her child and pets to constant fighting with her fiancĂ©, the bride was a nightmare to be around. The bridesmaid’s experience was made worse when the bride accused her of stealing a Pepsi from the fridge. It was a shocking and uncomfortable trip for everyone involved.

These stories serve as a reminder that weddings can bring out the best and worst in people. It’s important to remember that the true meaning of a wedding is love and commitment, not extravagant demands and selfish behavior. Let’s hope that these bridezillas learned their lesson and that future couples can focus on what really matters on their special day.

Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions, celebrating the union of two people in love. However, sometimes unexpected and unforgettable moments happen that make these events truly entertaining. Today, we bring you a collection of wedding stories that will leave you in awe. From family drama to outrageous demands, these stories have it all. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained!

A Stingy Aunt and Her Lavish Demands

We all have that one family member who can be quite demanding. In this story, a Redditor shares the tale of their aunt who expected their grandfather to fund her extravagant island wedding. When he refused, things took an ugly turn. The aunt resorted to name-calling and insults, even after her grandfather had already paid for her previous weddings. In the end, the aunt had to foot the bill herself and now lives a comfortable life in Florida, thanks to her divorce settlements.

A Wedding Date Dilemma

Planning a wedding can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to choosing the perfect date. In this story, a Redditor faced a dilemma when their wife’s sister changed the wedding date just two weeks before the big day. Despite explaining that work commitments prevented them from attending, they were bombarded with guilt trips and angry phone calls. While the wife attended the wedding, the Redditor enjoyed a delicious pizza at home. Sometimes, you just have to prioritize your career!

Motherzilla Takes Center Stage

Weddings can bring out the worst in people, and sometimes even mothers can become “motherzillas.” In this story, a Redditor recounts their mother’s outrageous behavior just two hours before the wedding. Instead of focusing on the joyous occasion, the mother made it all about herself, causing unnecessary stress. It’s a reminder that weddings should be about love and unity, not petty arguments and selfishness.

The Case of the Missing Food

Imagine attending a wedding where there is no food to satisfy your hunger. That’s exactly what happened in this story. The bride opted for a cheese spread, fruit platter, and vegetables with dip instead of a proper meal. As the guests grew hungrier and started leaving, the bride had a meltdown and blocked the doors, screaming that everyone was ruining her big day. It’s safe to say that this wedding will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

A Bridesmaid’s Nightmare

Being a bridesmaid is supposed to be an honor, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare. In this story, a young bridesmaid was shouted at by her stressed and demanding aunt. The aunt’s irrational behavior caused the bridesmaid to burst into tears. Thankfully, the mother stepped in and convinced the aunt to find a replacement bridesmaid. Even years later, the bridesmaid still holds a grudge against her aunt for her behavior.

Wedding Drama in Paradise

Destination weddings can be a dream come true, but not everyone may see it that way. In this story, a couple decided to make a wedding in Hawaii the centerpiece of their vacation. However, the bride didn’t appreciate their choice and lashed out, feeling overshadowed by their vacation plans. Thankfully, she later apologized for her outburst. It just goes to show that nerves can sometimes get the better of us.

Winter Wonderland Wedding

Winter weddings can be enchanting, but they can also bring unexpected moments. In this story, a bridesmaid made a lighthearted joke about her muff, referring to her accessory for the wedding. Unfortunately, the bride didn’t find it amusing and scolded the bridesmaid for not being serious enough. It’s a reminder that humor can sometimes miss the mark, even in the most joyous of occasions.

Unforgettable Wedding Moments

From demanding aunts to missing food and unexpected outbursts, these wedding stories showcase the unpredictable nature of these events. Weddings are meant to be joyous celebrations, but sometimes they can also be filled with drama and tension. No matter what happens, it’s important to remember that love and unity should always be at the center of these special occasions.

Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions, a celebration of love and unity. However, not every wedding goes according to plan. We’ve gathered some shocking stories of wedding disasters and bridezillas that will leave you in disbelief. Get ready to be captivated by these tales of betrayal and unexpected twists.

When Few Guests Are Invited

Redditor, u/Gipperfish, shared a story about their brother’s wedding, where only a handful of guests attended. The bride had strict rules about who could attend, excluding many family members. In the end, the wedding had only six guests from the groom’s side and a whopping 65 from the bride’s side. It’s a reminder that weddings can sometimes be complicated affairs, even with family.

The Groom Who Left

Redditor u/hotmoves witnessed an unforgettable scene on the night of their brother’s wedding. As they returned to their hotel, they stumbled upon a bride in distress. The groom had abandoned her on their wedding night to party with his friends at a local bar. The bride’s outburst, questioning who would leave their partner on such an important night, struck a chord with everyone present.

A Cousin’s Fallout

Redditor u/livmaj experienced a family fallout when they were no longer able to be a bridesmaid for their cousin’s wedding. After a breakup with their cousin’s best friend, they received an email from the bride-to-be, removing them from the bridal party. This decision escalated into a major conflict, resulting in severed ties between the families. It’s a reminder that weddings can sometimes strain even the closest relationships.

A Best Friend’s Demands

Redditor u/Ihadacow shared a story of their best friend-turned-bridezilla. The bride dictated every aspect of the wedding, from the date of the bridal shower to the handmade decorations. On the eve of the wedding, the bride admitted she hadn’t prepared anything and expected the friend to take care of it all. The friend spent the night sewing and cleaning, feeling exhausted and unappreciated. This tale is a cautionary reminder that even the best of friendships can be tested during wedding planning.

Losing a Friend

Redditor u/SeabgfKirby recounted the heartbreaking experience of being replaced as a bridesmaid by a demanding friend. The bride insisted on specific dress colors, hair dye, and even requested guests to pay for their own food at the wedding. The final straw came when the wedding clashed with the friend’s boyfriend’s Tough Mudder competition, leading to a difficult choice. It’s a reminder that weddings can sometimes reveal the true nature of our relationships.

A Sister’s Betrayal

In a shocking tale of betrayal, a Redditor’s sister didn’t invite them to her wedding. When confronted, the sister revealed that she had been having an affair with the Redditor’s boyfriend for years. Instead of facing the truth, they chose to keep the affair a secret and spare the Redditor’s pain. It’s a story that showcases the devastating consequences of hiding the truth.

These stories serve as a reminder that weddings can bring out the best and worst in people. From bridezillas to unexpected betrayals, the journey to “happily ever after” isn’t always smooth. Share your thoughts on these stories and let us know if you have any wedding horror stories of your own. After all, weddings are a rollercoaster of emotions, and sometimes the most unexpected twists can occur.