Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions, filled with love, laughter, and happy memories. But what happens when the bride becomes the source of chaos and drama? Redditors have shared their stories of how brides ruined their weddings, and it’s both shocking and entertaining.

Bridezilla Alert: When the Bride Goes Wild

We’ve all heard of the term “Bridezilla,” referring to a bride who becomes a monster during wedding planning. Redditors have encountered their fair share of Bridezillas, and their stories will leave you in awe.

One Redditor shared how the bride insisted on having a horse-drawn carriage for her entrance, even though it was impractical for the venue. Another Redditor revealed how the bride demanded that all the guests wear the same color, making it feel more like a cult gathering than a wedding.

The Demands and the Drama

Weddings often come with their fair share of demands, but some brides take it to a whole new level. Redditors shared stories of brides who made outrageous requests and caused unnecessary drama.

One Redditor recalled a bride who demanded that her bridesmaids lose weight before the wedding, causing immense stress and body image issues. Another Redditor shared a story of a bride who insisted on changing the seating arrangements at the last minute, causing chaos and confusion for everyone involved.

When Family Feuds Take Center Stage

Family dynamics can be complicated, and weddings have a way of bringing out the worst in some people. Redditors shared stories of how family feuds took center stage and ruined their special day.

One Redditor shared how the bride’s mother and mother-in-law got into a physical altercation during the reception, causing a scene that no one will ever forget. Another Redditor revealed how a family argument escalated to the point where the police had to be called, and the wedding ended in chaos.

Lessons Learned and Laughter Shared

While these stories may seem outrageous and unbelievable, they serve as a reminder that weddings are not always picture-perfect. Redditors shared their lessons learned and found humor in these unfortunate situations.

One Redditor advised future brides and grooms to prioritize their own happiness over pleasing others, as it is their special day after all. Another Redditor shared how they found solace in laughter, realizing that sometimes the best way to deal with chaos is to find the humor in it.


Weddings may be a time of love and celebration, but they can also bring out the worst in people. Redditors have shared their stories of how brides ruined their weddings, reminding us that even in the most chaotic situations, there is always a lesson to be learned and laughter to be shared. So the next time you attend a wedding, be prepared for anything, and remember to find the humor in the chaos.

Weddings are meant to be joyous celebrations of love and unity, but sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Enter the infamous bridezilla – a term used to describe brides who become demanding, self-centered, and downright unpleasant during the wedding planning process. Today, we bring you a collection of shocking stories shared by Redditors, showcasing the worst of the worst when it comes to bridezillas. Get ready to be amazed, appalled, and perhaps grateful that you’ve never encountered a bridezilla of your own.

Pregnant Woman

Redditor u/hulagirl4737 shared a heart-wrenching story of a bridezilla who let her vanity and selfishness overshadow the joy of a friend’s pregnancy. When the bridesmaid got pregnant, the bride kicked her out of the wedding because she didn’t want her looking pregnant in the pictures. Tragically, the woman later miscarried. The bride’s response? “Good, well now you can be back in the wedding.” It’s safe to say she didn’t attend.

Bride’s Photoshoot

On a scorching hot day, Redditor u/nadia61 witnessed a bridezilla throw a tantrum during a wedding photoshoot. Instead of opting for a shady spot to take pictures, the bride insisted on a full-sun pond, forcing the wedding party to hike in their heels. Unsurprisingly, the marriage didn’t last long – they divorced a year later.


In a shocking display of self-centeredness, Redditor u/kidtendomom shared a story of a bride who threw a temper tantrum because her grandmother passed away a few hours before her wedding. The bride’s concern? It would throw off the seating arrangements due to the big empty spot. Not surprisingly, she’s now halfway through her second divorce.

Selfish Man

Sometimes, it’s the groom who has to deal with a bridezilla. Redditor u/Blazingwand recounted a story where the groom’s brother went missing shortly before the wedding. Tragically, he was found dead on the day of the wedding. Devastated, the groom couldn’t go through with the ceremony. The bride’s response? She slapped him and called him selfish for putting his brother before her. Thankfully, the groom found a true friend in u/Blazingwand, and they walked away from the toxic situation together.


Redditor u/boredlike attended a wedding where a bridezilla replaced a bridesmaid at the last minute because her hair color didn’t match the dress. Apparently, dying her hair a slightly lighter brown was a grave offense in the bride’s book. Talk about unreasonable demands!


In a shocking turn of events, Redditor u/isstronglikebull found herself in a bizarre situation with her bride friend. After a few too many drinks, the bride demanded that u/isstronglikebull wipe her in the restroom because her dress was too cumbersome. When she refused, the bride slapped her and ended their friendship. Some friendships are better left in the past.


Hair can be a touchy subject for bridezillas. Redditor u/Carsons_mom, a hairstylist, had a client who completely lost it during her wedding hair appointment. Despite discussing a funky hairstyle beforehand, the bride changed her mind at the last minute, causing a meltdown of epic proportions. Luckily, her mom stepped in to save the day, but it was a shocking experience for everyone involved.

Groom’s Alarm

Weddings are full of unexpected moments, but how a couple handles them can make or break their special day. Redditor u/EewStopitNow witnessed a bridezilla lose her cool when the groom’s phone alarm went off during the ceremony. Instead of brushing it off, she interrupted the pastor, complained, and threatened to smash the phone later. Talk about unnecessary drama!

Big Day Ruined

In a tale of wedding day chaos, OP u/AlannaBraavos shared a story of a bride who faced the consequences of her own behavior. The bride had been mean throughout the planning process, and her behavior pushed everyone away. On the day of the wedding, she found herself alone at the bridal table, as all the groomsmen refused to sit beside her. Unsurprisingly, she threw a fit and blamed an innocent junior bridesmaid for ruining her wedding. Sometimes, you reap what you sow.


Some bridezillas don’t seem to grasp the basics of geography. Redditor u/Himsjustaboy witnessed a bridezilla who wanted her beach wedding at sunset, with the sun setting over the water. She was horrified to learn that the sun sets in the west, not over the water on the east coast. Some things are just out of our control, no matter how much we demand otherwise.


Sometimes, life throws unexpected curveballs, and weddings are no exception. A Redditor shared a story of being a last-minute replacement bridesmaid because the original bridesmaid had been sent to prison for child abuse. The challenge? The replacement was two feet shorter and two hundred pounds lighter. Talk about a mad scramble to find a dress that fits!

Bride from Another Country

In a tale of cultural clashes, Redditor u/rammaam flew to a foreign country to be a bridesmaid. However, what she witnessed there was shocking. The bride was abusive to her daughter, neglected her pets, fought with her fiancé, and even tried to control what u/rammaam ate. It’s safe to say that the bridezilla’s behavior left a lasting impression.

Weddings are meant to be a celebration of love and unity, but bridezillas can quickly turn them into a nightmare. These stories serve as a reminder to appreciate the calm and reasonable brides out there. And if you ever find yourself dealing with a bridezilla, take a deep breath and remember that it’s their special day – even if they seem to have forgotten that it’s supposed to be special for everyone involved.

Planning a wedding is no easy task, and sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as planned. Whether it’s family drama, unexpected changes, or unmet expectations, weddings can bring out the worst in people. Here are some cringe-worthy stories that will make you grateful for your own wedding experiences.

Aunt’s Demands

One Redditor shared a story about their grandfather, who had already paid for their aunt’s previous weddings. When their aunt demanded a lavish island wedding in the Bahamas, their grandfather refused. This led to a heated argument, and eventually, the aunt had to pay for her own wedding. Years later, she retired early and lived off the settlements from her divorces. Talk about entitlement!

Missed the Wedding

Another Redditor couldn’t attend their sister-in-law’s wedding because of work commitments. Despite informing the bride in advance, they were constantly harassed and guilt-tripped by the bride and mother-in-law. While the wife attended the wedding, the Redditor enjoyed a delicious pizza at home. Sometimes, you just can’t please everyone!

Mother-Zilla Strikes

One unfortunate Redditor had to deal with their mother’s meltdown just hours before their wedding. The mother insisted on making the seating arrangements all about herself and caused unnecessary drama. Weddings can be stressful enough without the added family drama. It’s disheartening when such a special day becomes all about one person’s ego.

No Food or Drink

Imagine attending a wedding where there is no food or drink. That’s exactly what happened to one Redditor. The bride promised lunch and water for the hardworking crew setting up the wedding venue, but failed to deliver. After hours of work, they were left hungry and thirsty. When they finally asked for water, they were told to be careful because it was expensive. Talk about a wedding fail!

Hungry Guests and Bridezilla

A Redditor attended a wedding where there was hardly any food. The cheese spread, fruit platter, and vegetables with dip weren’t enough to satisfy the hungry guests. As people began to leave, the bride had a meltdown and screamed at everyone for ruining her day. It’s safe to say that the night didn’t go as planned, and even the bride ended up feeling sick.

Bridesmaid Drama

Weddings can bring out the worst in people, even when it comes to innocent children. One Redditor’s sister, who was just seven years old at the time, was shouted at by their aunt for not walking in sync during the practice. The aunt’s bridezilla behavior scared the little girl, and her mother was rightfully furious. This incident strained their relationship, and even now, the sister isn’t fond of the aunt.

Wedding vs. Vacation

Sometimes, attending a wedding means taking time off work and turning it into a vacation. But one couple found themselves in hot water when the bride got upset that their wedding was just a “footnote” to their vacation. The wife stood her ground and told the bride to grow up. Eventually, the bride apologized, realizing that nerves had gotten the best of her.

Winter Wedding Woes

Being a bridesmaid in a winter-themed wedding can lead to unexpected moments. One Redditor shared a story about a bride who took things a little too seriously. When the bride asked to see a bridesmaid’s muff (a handwarmer accessory), the bridesmaid made a lighthearted joke. The bride didn’t find it amusing and accused the bridesmaid of not taking the wedding seriously. It’s important to remember to have a sense of humor, even on your special day.

Few Guests, Big Ego

In one particular wedding, the bride decided to have a small guest list. Little did she know that her decision would lead to disaster. With no proper dinner served, guests started leaving early. The bride, in a fit of rage, blocked the exits and screamed about how everyone was ruining her wedding. It’s safe to say that her behavior didn’t endear her to anyone.

Weddings can be a beautiful celebration of love, but sometimes they can also bring out the worst in people. These stories serve as a reminder to stay calm, flexible, and considerate during the wedding planning process. After all, it’s not just about the big day, but also about the love and happiness that surrounds it.


Redditor, u/Gipperfish had a unique experience at a wedding: “My brother’s first wife wouldn’t allow any of our family she hadn’t met into the wedding. We offered to hold an engagement party so she could get to know some of our out-of-towners, but she declined. As a result, my brother had six people at his wedding and around 65 from the bride’s side.” It just goes to show that sometimes, family dynamics can create unexpected challenges when it comes to wedding guest lists.


One Redditor, u/hotmoves, witnessed a shocking moment at a wedding after-party: “As we walked by, the bride stormed out screaming into a cell phone, telling someone to get back there right now. Apparently, the groom was at a bar down the street with some friends. Who leaves their bride on their wedding night? It’s definitely a memorable story to share!”


Weddings can sometimes strain relationships, as shared by Redditor u/livmaj: “I was dating my cousin’s best friend before my cousin and his now-wife got married. I was a bridesmaid, while my then-boyfriend was the best man. Before the wedding, my boyfriend and I broke up. As a result, I got an email from the bride-to-be telling me I was no longer a bridesmaid. To this day, my family does not speak with my cousin’s family because of her.” It’s unfortunate when wedding-related tensions lead to long-lasting family feuds.


Friendships can be put to the test during wedding planning, as described by Redditor u/Ihadacow: “My best friend was rude when she got married. She told me when I would have her bridal shower and what I would be serving, without even consulting me about the date or menu. On top of that, she expected me to make various wedding items for her. It was a stressful experience that strained our friendship.” Planning a wedding is undoubtedly a challenging time, but it’s essential to remember the value of communication and respect for others’ boundaries.


Redditor u/SeabgfKirby shared her disappointing encounter with a bridezilla friend: “My friend of eight years turned into a big-headed ego bridezilla. She demanded everyone wear hideous dresses and asked us to dye our hair to match her blonde locks. When I refused, she replaced me with another girl. She also expected everyone to pay $80 per guest for food and demanded expensive gifts. In the end, I chose to prioritize a Tough Mudder competition over her wedding.” It’s crucial to remember that weddings should be about celebrating love, not causing stress and financial strain on loved ones.


Sometimes, weddings can uncover deep family secrets, as shared by a Redditor from a deleted account: “On her wedding day, I discovered that my boyfriend was wearing a wedding suit. It turns out my sister and he had been having an affair for years. They chose not to invite me to spare my feelings, but the pain of their betrayal still hit me hard.” Discovering such a devastating secret on what should be a joyous day is undoubtedly heart-wrenching.

Weddings are meant to be memorable occasions, but sometimes they can also be filled with unexpected drama and tension. These stories serve as a reminder that open communication, empathy, and respect are essential when navigating the complexities of wedding planning and relationships.