Losing a loved one is never easy, and everyone finds their own way to remember and honor those who have passed on. It is crucial that we respect the traditions and ways of grieving of others during these difficult times. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this, as the family of the late Mark Rosenthal discovered.

Mark Rosenthal passed away 13 years ago, but his family continues to visit his gravesite to celebrate his life. While the pain of losing Mark will never fully heal, the family has found solace in feeling close to him, aiming to lessen the grief of his absence. However, their unique way of commemorating a special day faced criticism and abuse from online detractors.

Robin Rosenthal, who became a single parent after losing her husband Mark in 2010, has made it her mission to keep his memory alive. Their children, Sam and Emma, wholeheartedly embraced this sentiment. As a result, the family started sharing videos online of their time spent at Mark’s grave.

In one video, captured in June 2022, the family posted a nostalgic Father’s Day picnic they had enjoyed by the gravesite. The clip, intended to be lighthearted and humorous, showed Emma and Robin eating sandwiches. Sam can be heard saying, “Father’s Day lunch with Dad!” in the footage, followed by a question about Mark’s whereabouts. Robin tenderly replied, “Down there, in the ground,” as they continued their meal. In a playful gesture, Robin even tossed a fry towards Mark’s grave.

While the Rosenthal family found comfort in celebrating Mark’s life in their own way, not everyone who watched their videos online shared the same enthusiasm. Some viewers chose to leave disrespectful comments, calling Robin’s actions “creepy” and “disrespectful.” Others criticized the family’s messy eating and dancing, finding the videos uncomfortable to watch.

Nevertheless, the Rosenthals chose to share another Father’s Day celebration video this year for their 600,000 TikTok followers. Like last year, the reactions were mixed. Some people acknowledged the family’s right to remember Mark in their own unique way, while others were more critical of the content Robin and her children produced.

In a world where grief is deeply personal, it is essential to embrace and respect the diverse ways individuals choose to remember and honor their loved ones. The Rosenthal family’s dedication to keeping Mark’s memory alive serves as a powerful example of the enduring bond of love and remembrance.