Grandfather's death was a great sorrow for Leslie, because he raised her, and she, in turn, cared for him in his old age. - Glorius Time

Lesley’s life took an unexpected turn when her parents passed away in a tragic car accident. Left with no one to rely on, their grandparents selflessly stepped forward to raise them. Lesley was only five years old at the time, her brothers George and Wilson were older, but they were all fortunate to have grandparents who were willing to sacrifice their retirement to care for them.

As the years went on, Lesley’s grandparents made sure the boys received a good education, using their parents’ insurance money. However, when it was Lesley’s turn to go to college, her grandmother fell ill. Determined not to abandon her beloved grandparents, Lesley enrolled in a local community college and balanced her classes with taking care of her grandmother.

Sadly, her grandmother eventually passed away, leaving Lesley as the sole caregiver for her grandfather. She moved into a small house down the street with her husband, William, and continued to devote herself to her grandfather’s well-being. Despite her brothers becoming successful and wealthy, they never offered any assistance or support to Lesley or her grandfather. It hurt her deeply that they showed no gratitude for the sacrifices their grandparents had made for them.

Lesley often vented her frustrations to William, who always reminded her that justice would prevail in the end. Although she found it hard to believe, William encouraged her to be patient. Little did she know that her grandfather’s final act would prove him right.

One day, Lesley discovered her grandfather had passed away peacefully in his sleep. Devastated by the loss, she made the arrangements for his funeral and contacted her brothers and distant relatives to inform them. To her surprise, her brothers decided to attend the funeral. Lesley couldn’t help but wonder why they suddenly showed interest in their grandfather’s passing.

During the funeral, their family lawyer revealed a shocking twist. Their grandfather had left the house and all its contents to the Children’s Association, a shelter for at-risk children. Wilson and George were outraged, demanding to know why they were excluded from the inheritance. Lesley, however, defended her grandfather’s decision, acknowledging his right to dispose of his assets as he saw fit.

The lawyer then presented Lesley, Wilson, and George with personal items that their grandfather had set aside for them. Wilson greedily grabbed an ornate silver pocket watch, George claimed a silver chain with an antique cross, and Lesley was left with an old dark green umbrella.

Mockingly, George suggested that Lesley keep the umbrella, especially as it was raining outside. Lesley, however, had a feeling there was more to this umbrella than met the eye. She opened it and, to everyone’s surprise, money bills started falling out. The umbrella was actually her grandfather’s secret stash, carefully hidden away all these years.

Amidst the confusion, Lesley discovered rare $1000 bills among the stack. It turned out that her grandfather and great-grandfather had been collecting these bills for decades. The lawyer revealed that they were now collector’s items and worth between $10,000 and $12,000 each. Lesley was dumbfounded. Her grandfather had unknowingly left her with a valuable legacy.

With the proceeds from the sale of the bills, Lesley and William were able to pay off their house, buy a new car, and start their own rainy day fund. Meanwhile, her grandfather’s old house became a shelter for children in need, bringing joy and happiness to many young lives.

As for Wilson and George, they were left outraged and bitter, claiming that Lesley had cheated them out of their inheritance. But Lesley knew the truth. Her grandfather had rewarded her devotion and selflessness with a gift that would change her life. And in the end, justice was served, leaving Lesley with a newfound sense of security and pride in her grandfather’s legacy.