Maria's Final Wish

Maria had dedicated her entire life to music. As a singing and piano teacher, she always found joy in being surrounded by melodies and harmonies. However, as she grew older and her health declined, she found herself missing the sound of music more than ever.

But fate had something special in store for Maria. One of her former students, Joshua Woodard, now worked at her care home in Austinburg, Ohio. Joshua had been under Maria’s tutelage since he was just 9 years old, and their bond had only grown stronger over the years.

Knowing how much music meant to Maria, Joshua was determined to fulfill her final wish – to hear the song “How Great Thou Art” before she passed away. With the lyrics of the song on his phone, Joshua sang a heartfelt rendition for Maria.

It was a truly touching moment. The room filled with the melody, and Maria’s eyes lit up with joy. She was transported back to the days when she would teach Joshua and watch him grow as a musician. It was a beautiful reunion of teacher and student.

Maria’s sister-in-law managed to capture the emotional moment on film. The video serves as a powerful reminder of the compassion and dedication of hospice workers like Joshua. They truly are angels who go above and beyond to bring comfort and happiness to those in their care.

Sadly, Maria is no longer with us. But watching this clip of her final wish being fulfilled is a testament to the kindness and love that exists in the world. It is a reminder to cherish our loved ones and honor the staff who work tirelessly to care for our elderly.

Please take a moment to share this beautiful clip with your friends on Facebook. Let’s celebrate the incredible work of hospice workers and spread the message of compassion and empathy for our elderly loved ones.