At the age of 15, Frankie Muniz shot to fame as Malcolm, the quick-witted prodigy on the hit TV show Malcolm in the Middle that aired between 2000 and 2006. Unlike many child stars, Muniz, now 38, managed to steer clear of the pitfalls commonly associated with fame and success. He never succumbed to the temptations of alcohol, drugs, or emotional breakdowns as he transitioned into adulthood.

In a recent conversation with Mayim Bialik on her podcast Breakdown, Muniz, who is now a professional race car driver, opened up about his experience and how he managed to avoid the toxic Hollywood party scene. Surprisingly, Muniz wasn’t exposed to alcohol until he turned 18.

“When I was 15 or 16 years old, I felt like I was so old. I had already experienced so much in my life compared to most teenagers,” Muniz shared with Bialik, who gained fame for her role in Blossom. “But even though I was in the entertainment business, I never saw any of the drug use or other negative things. I somehow stayed away. I just went to the set and did my thing.”

Bialik, herself a former child star, was intrigued by Muniz’s ability to resist peer pressure and asked if his upbringing played a role in his decision not to drink. Muniz revealed that everyone in his family enjoys drinking and it was something they did for fun. He grew up thinking that only criminals and people on episodes of Cops smoked pot. However, he later discovered that his parents used to smoke pot regularly without his knowledge.

Curious to understand Muniz’s rationale for abstaining from alcohol, Bialik inquired if it was due to religious beliefs or personal convictions. Muniz explained, “I tried to figure out why I didn’t drink, but I don’t have a specific reason. It wasn’t influenced by religion or anything like that.”

In 2012, at the age of 26, Muniz experienced a series of small strokes, severely impacting his memory. Despite the challenges he faces, Muniz remains determined to make the most out of life. “I really try to take advantage of my time. And I’ve got a lot in my life,” he shared. Muniz has had multiple concussions since he was just seven years old.

As a father now, Muniz cherishes his role and finds fulfillment in fatherhood. He and his wife, Paige, have a son named Mauz Mosley. Muniz is perplexed by people’s reactions to his choice not to drink. He recalled instances where he declined alcoholic beverages and was met with shock or disbelief. Some even commended his strength for refusing to be swayed.

“It’s so weird that people have such a strong reaction to me not drinking. Like, who cares? I don’t care what you do. Why do you care so much about me?” Muniz joked. “I don’t know if I made a conscious decision, but it just stuck with me that I was never gonna drink or do anything.”

At 38 years old, Muniz playfully quipped, “But now I’m 38 and I think I’m going to start tonight. Only kidding.” Despite his lighthearted remark, Muniz remains steadfast in his commitment to leading a fulfilling and sober life.