Imagine being on a flight and witnessing a hilarious moment that leaves everyone laughing. Well, that’s exactly what happened to one lucky group of passengers when a confident and sassy flight attendant dealt with an arrogant rich woman.

The flight attendant in question was flamboyantly gay, bringing a lively energy to the cabin as he served food and drinks. His playful demeanor seemed to uplift the spirits of everyone on board.

As the plane prepared for descent, the flight attendant made an announcement in his own unique style:

“Captain Marvey has requested me to inform you all that we will be landing shortly. So, my lovely people, let’s put those trays up like superstars.”

While making his way back up the aisle, he noticed one passenger had not complied with the request. This particular passenger was an elegant and exotic-looking young woman, who hadn’t moved an inch.

In his usual sassy manner, the flight attendant quipped, “Perhaps you didn’t hear me over those powerful engines, but I did ask you to raise your tray. We need everyone on board to follow along, so we can have a smooth landing.”

Instead of reacting with understanding, the woman calmly turned her head and declared, “In my country, I am called a Princess, and I take orders from no one.”

Without skipping a beat, the flight attendant responded with an even sassier comeback:

“Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I am called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray up, Bitch.”

The unexpected retort left everyone in stitches. It just goes to show that sometimes, it takes a quick-witted and fearless individual to put an arrogant person in their place.

Next time you find yourself on a flight, keep an eye out for the entertaining flight attendants who can turn a mundane experience into a memorable one. You never know what hilarious moments await!

Remember, it’s always important to be respectful to the staff on board and follow their instructions. After all, they are there to ensure our safety and comfort throughout the journey.