Charlie, an 11-year-old boy from Oklahoma, had a fishing experience he will never forget. In July, while fishing in the pond behind his home, he caught an unusual creature that left him screaming for his mom. Janna Clinton, Charlie’s mother, rushed to her son’s side, only to find a fish dangling from his fishing line with human-like teeth! This bizarre catch had everyone in the neighborhood intrigued.

The Clinton family shared a photo of the peculiar fish on their local Facebook page, leading to a flurry of comments from amazed residents. Some suggested reaching out to wildlife officials, while others couldn’t help but be creeped out by the fish’s teeth. However, before taking any action, Charlie and his family followed the catch and release policy and released the fish back into the pond. Little did they know that they had caught a pacu, a South American fish closely related to the piranha, known for its vegetarian diet and distinctive teeth.

This incident left many wildlife officials puzzled about how a pacu ended up in a neighborhood pond in Oklahoma. They suspect it may have been a pet that outgrew its tank and was released into the wild. In response to this unusual occurrence, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation addressed the previous owner of the fish on Twitter, expressing their disapproval and emphasizing the importance of not releasing pets into local ecosystems.

This isn’t the first time a pacu has been caught in Oklahoma. Last year, another pacu was caught in Marina Cove at Ft. Cobb Lake. These fish, while generally harmless to humans, have gained a notorious nickname – “the ball cutters.” In other parts of the world, there have been reports of pacu biting men’s testicles! Fish expert Henrik Carl explained that pacu bite because they mistake testicles for food due to their similar size and shape. While these incidents are rare, they serve as a reminder of the potential dangers of introducing non-native species into ecosystems.

Despite the unsettling reputation of these fish, Charlie remains determined to catch the pacu again. He spends hours fishing from early morning until late at night, hoping for another chance to reel in his prized catch. If he succeeds, his family plans to mount the fish as a trophy, showcasing its unique teeth.

The story of Charlie’s unexpected catch serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the potential consequences of releasing non-native species into the wild. Let’s appreciate the wonders of nature while also ensuring the preservation of our local ecosystems.