Redd Foxx, the beloved actor and comedian famous for his role as Fred G. Sanford on the show “Sanford and Son,” faced financial hardships in his later years. Despite feeling abandoned by his friends in Hollywood, Eddie Murphy stepped up to help his fellow comedian during his time of need.

As Redd Foxx reached his sixties, he found himself penniless. His career had once reached Hollywood stardom, but financial troubles had left him with nothing. He had no family and felt isolated, but Eddie Murphy remained a loyal friend by his side.

Redd Foxx, known not only for his role on “Sanford and Son” but also his own show, “The Redd Foxx Comedy Hour,” had a colorful life and career. However, his time was cut short, and he longed for companionship as he approached the end of his life.

One of Redd’s biggest financial challenges came in 1989 when he owed the IRS a staggering $755,166.21 in back taxes. The IRS raided his home in Las Vegas, taking away everything they could to recoup the money. Even during this trying time, Redd remained defiant, feeling that the tax he paid was unjust.

Amidst the financial struggle, Redd was hurt that none of his Hollywood friends came forward to help him. He expected a telegram or a call to offer support, but none came. Redd even reached out to Eddie Murphy for help, but unfortunately, didn’t receive a response.

However, in the face of adversity, Redd received support from unexpected sources. Fans, neighbors, and even school children rallied to his aid, offering provisions and collecting money to help him out. Redd was touched by their kindness and felt a sense of shame accepting their help.

Eddie Murphy played a significant role in Redd Foxx’s life. They worked together on the film “Harlem Nights,” and when Redd faced financial ruin, Eddie and his team intervened. They worked out a payment plan with the IRS, allowing Redd to keep his home and providing him some relief.

To support Redd even further, Eddie created a sitcom called “The Royal Family” and cast Redd as one of the main characters. This opportunity came after five years of Redd not being on television, offering him a chance to revive his career.

Tragically, in 1991, Redd Foxx suffered a heart attack while rehearsing for “The Royal Family” and passed away. Eddie Murphy took on the responsibility of arranging and financing Redd’s funeral and headstone. Eddie reflected on this experience, noting that he had over the years buried many stars who did not have their affairs in order.

Comparing Eddie Murphy’s life to that of Redd Foxx, it’s clear that they had different paths. Eddie Murphy is a family man, cherishing his relationships with his ten children and now, a grandchild. He adores spending time with his loved ones and finds joy in being a father and grandfather.

Eddie Murphy’s generous act in supporting Redd Foxx highlights the bond they shared as friends and colleagues. While Redd faced financial hardships and felt abandoned, Eddie Murphy’s steadfast support brought comfort and relief during his difficult final years.