A Lesbian Woman’s Unusual Pregnancy Journey

A lesbian woman in her 20s recently found herself shocked when a pregnancy test came back positive. Confused and scared, she turned to the AskDocs sub on Reddit, seeking answers and support. She couldn’t understand how this could happen since she hadn’t been sexually active with a man in six years.

The 23-year-old woman explained that while she wasn’t very sexually active, she did occasionally sleep with a woman she was dating. However, she knew that her partner couldn’t get her pregnant. The last time she had sex with a man was back in high school, so she believed pregnancy was impossible.

When she started experiencing occasional vomiting, she thought it was just a stomach bug. But when her condition didn’t improve, she visited a Tennessee clinic and received the shocking news that she was indeed pregnant. She couldn’t wrap her head around it and was terrified.

Seeking immediate answers, she reached out to the Reddit community for advice. She wondered if cancer could cause a positive pregnancy test, as she had read online. Another possibility was a drunken encounter with her friend’s husband at a gathering in November. The thought of sexual assault crossed her mind, and she was scared.

As she navigated this confusing situation, she leaned on her parents for support. They offered to help her seek an abortion in another state, even though it was illegal in their own. She also reached out to her friend and learned that her husband had not done anything without her knowledge. Slowly, she began to trust her friend again.

To get to the bottom of things, she sought medical help. A pregnancy test came back positive, but an ultrasound couldn’t confirm it. Worried about the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, she was rushed to the emergency room for further examination. Eventually, doctors discovered a tumor on her ovary and performed surgery to remove it.

In a twist of events, it turned out that the tumor was causing the positive pregnancy test and her vomiting. Doctors assured her that whether the tumor was malignant or not, they would remove it. They also reassured her that having one ovary wouldn’t affect her overall health and that she could still have children in the future.

While waiting for the pathology test results, the woman continued to take pregnancy tests regularly. She felt thankful that she wasn’t pregnant and that if she did have cancer, it would likely be treatable. Throughout this journey, the support and advice she received from the Reddit community provided comfort and assurance.

In the end, this lesbian woman learned that her diagnosis was a misunderstanding. Although she did have a teratoma tumor, it wasn’t clear if it was mature or immature. The hospital determined that the tumor was responsible for the positive pregnancy test and her symptoms. They planned to remove it regardless of its malignancy.

With the guidance and support from professionals and loved ones, she faced her baffling situation with strength. It was a relief for her to discover that she wasn’t pregnant, and she was grateful for the help she received along the way.

Note: The original article was edited for clarity and to enhance readability for our audience persona of older individuals.