A Canadian Mother Shares Photo Of Her Son On Facebook To ‘Make Everyone Aware’ - NEWS20CLICK

Are you aware of the alarming dangers of opioid abuse? Sherri Kent, a grieving mother, is on a mission to raise awareness after tragically losing her 22-year-old son, Michael, to a fatal overdose of prescription painkillers. In a heartfelt Facebook post, Sherri revealed that Michael had unknowingly taken a lethal dose of fentanyl, a drug that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine.

Let us take a moment to understand the heart-wrenching impact of this tragedy and the urgent need for education and prevention.

A Fatal Mistake

Sherri’s world turned upside down on March 21 when Michael passed away. Prior to his death, he and his sister had encountered an unknown man who offered them drugs while they were out running errands. Michael’s sister warned him about the dangers, but unfortunately, he met the man again the following day.

Tragically, Michael purchased the drugs and overdosed in a store bathroom. By the time paramedics arrived, he was in cardiac arrest. Despite their efforts, Michael did not survive. Sherri vividly remembers it as the worst day of her life.

The Rise of Fentanyl

Fentanyl, a highly potent opioid, has been a major contributor to the increase in opioid overdoses in recent years. This dangerous drug is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine, and its use is on the rise in both the United States and Canada. In fact, CBC reports that fentanyl overdoses in the area where Michael resided have become increasingly common.

A Mother’s Plea: Let’s Raise Awareness

Sherri penned her emotional Facebook post to shed light on the epidemic that is claiming the lives of between 5 to 7 individuals each day in every city in Canada. She passionately warns about the out-of-control drug use that poses a grave threat to our children. Sherri’s post quickly went viral, reaching thousands of people and generating an outpouring of condolences, prayers, and support.

Sherri Kent and her son Michael

Preventing Future Tragedies

The story of Michael’s untimely passing brings to light the urgent need for preventive measures. By sharing her son’s story, Sherri hopes to save lives and spare other families from experiencing the same heartache. Awareness and education are crucial in combatting the escalating opioid crisis.

Let us join Sherri in honoring the memory of Michael and striving for a future where no mother has to suffer such a devastating loss. Rest in peace, Michael.