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A young man took to Reddit to share a difficult situation involving his girlfriend’s mother. He decided to address a pattern of lies masked as forgetfulness. This story sparked a discussion about honesty and family dynamics.

Confronting a family member’s unhealthy behavior is never easy. In this Reddit post, a 23-year-old man recounted an uncomfortable interaction he had with one of his partner’s mothers. It left him wondering if he had crossed a line.

The Redditor found himself questioning his personal ethics and the importance of breaking a troublesome habit. He introduced the story by explaining his committed relationship with Kelly, his 25-year-old girlfriend, who had two wonderful mothers – Gina, 64, and Stacy, 71.

While the boyfriend got along well with his partner’s mothers, he admitted early on in the story that lying was one of his pet peeves. Unfortunately, Stacy, Kelly’s mother, had a history of lying. This troubled him even more because he saw how it negatively affected his girlfriend.

One day, the Redditor went out to run errands with Stacy, who mentioned that she had forgotten her wallet. Initially, he didn’t think much of it, considering it was a mistake anyone could make. After all, it was more expected from a 71-year-old who had a lot on her mind.

Without hesitation, the Redditor paid for Stacy’s things, believing that she would reimburse him once they returned home. However, when he shared the day’s events with Kelly, her response took him by surprise. She asked if Stacy had asked him to pay for anything.

Confused, he confirmed that she had, and Kelly revealed that this was a common strategy Stacy used with everyone. Stacy would “forget” her wallet, ask others to pay, promise to reimburse them, but rarely follow through. This revelation upset the Redditor.

He explained, “I also don’t like to be lied to and had not experienced Stacy lying to me yet. It’s also not even about money for Stacy since she has quite a bit to her name, no debt, and Gina pays most of the bills.”

Despite this revelation, Stacy asked Kelly’s boyfriend to run errands with her again. Armed with the knowledge Kelly had shared, he made sure to ask if she had everything, listing items like her wallet, phone, and keys. Stacy reassured him that she had everything.

To double-check, the Redditor asked once more if Stacy was certain, and she insisted that she had all her belongings. However, during their errands, they stopped at a drug store where Stacy asked her boyfriend to grab something, using the excuse of forgetting her wallet again.

This shocked the Redditor because he had asked her multiple times about her wallet, and she had reassured him each time. It was at this point that he described the confrontation that took place.

Redditor: “I thought you said you had everything you needed before we left.”

Stacy: “I did, I guess I was wrong.”

Redditor: “You said you checked.” Stacy: “I did.”

Redditor: “So did you lie to me about having your wallet, or did you lie to me about checking for it?”

Stacy: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Redditor: “Do you really not have it with you, or are you lying about that too?” Stacy: “Why are you having an attitude with me?”

Redditor: “Why did you lie to me?”

Stacy: “It’s not a big deal. If you don’t want to help me, then I’m going home.”

Redditor: “I don’t have an attitude, I’m just not going to deal with you lying to me. Lying has consequences.”

Stacy retreated into silence until they arrived home. Kelly informed him that Stacy had not left her room since they went out, leaving the Redditor questioning if he had gone too far. Seeking advice, he turned to Reddit users for their thoughts.

The comment section overwhelmingly supported him. One user highlighted how this was a long-standing habit for Stacy that had never been challenged before. Stacy’s decision to isolate herself was a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Others echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing that lying has consequences, and it was time for Stacy to experience them. They commended the Redditor for confronting her, as it was a catalyst for her to reevaluate her behavior and habits.

This story serves as a reminder that honesty is crucial in relationships, even with family members. Addressing unhealthy patterns helps foster healthier dynamics and build stronger bonds.

Dining Out with In-Laws: A Change of Perspective

In another tale, a woman recounts how she taught her in-laws an important lesson after they continuously “forgot” their wallets when dining out. This clever strategy allowed her to address an ongoing issue and encourage a shift in her in-laws’ behavior.

The story revolves around the woman’s mother, who had always supported her through thick and thin. When her mother passed away, she left behind all her savings for her daughter’s future. Rather than squandering the inheritance, the woman decided to be responsible.

She and her husband, David, agreed to put some of the money toward their dream home. Additionally, she used part of the inheritance to continue her studies, fulfilling a shared dream of becoming a lawyer.

David fully supported her decisions and contributed most of his salary toward their goals. They rented a place with David’s parents while saving for their dream home, with the understanding that the in-laws would eventually move in with them.

However, the in-laws had a different interpretation of the situation. They believed the woman had become a millionaire overnight, even though she never explicitly mentioned the inheritance. They found a cunning way to take advantage of her.

Every time the family went out to eat, it turned into a game of “wallet roulette.” The woman always ended up paying because her in-laws conveniently “forgot” their wallets at home. Fed up with always being the dinner sponsor, she decided to turn the tables.

During one dinner outing, as luck would have it, the in-laws went to the car first, leaving their wallets casually resting on the table by the door. The woman noticed this and shared her discovery with David as they prepared to leave.

“I think your parents forgot their wallets,” she said, standing up.

David, aware of their manipulation, replied, “Don’t they always? Put them into your bag.”

They proceeded to enjoy a delicious meal at a Chinese restaurant. However, when the bill arrived, the woman acted innocent and claimed she had forgotten her bank card at home. The in-laws, wearing their trademark smiles, looked to David for a solution.

But instead of giving in this time, David spoke up. He revealed that he had placed their wallets in the woman’s bag before leaving the house and suggested that they cover dinner this time.

The room fell silent as the reality of the situation sank in for the in-laws. They realized that the woman’s inheritance was not a blank slate for them to take advantage of. It was meant for her dreams, and they needed to respect that.

The silence was eventually broken when the father-in-law reached out for his wallet, saying, “Thanks, Son. I’ve got this one.” He even left a generous tip, a feeble attempt to save face.

David took the opportunity to address the issue directly, stating that sharing the responsibility of family dinners was important. They could no longer rely on the woman’s inheritance for every outing. The in-laws seemed to understand and acknowledged their mistake.

In the weeks that followed, the in-laws would take out their wallets first whenever they went to a restaurant. They recognized the need to share the financial responsibility and take turns. While their behavior hadn’t completely changed, it was a step in the right direction.

The woman and David felt seen and appreciated in that moment. They understood each other’s dreams and goals, working together as a team. The in-laws began to appreciate the importance of financial responsibility and respect for one another.

While there were still challenges in their shared living situation, progress was evident. The mother-in-law even started cooking without being asked, knowing that the woman needed time to study after work.

This story serves as a reminder to establish open communication and set boundaries with extended family members. It is crucial to address issues and find common ground to build stronger relationships.

Have your in-laws ever taken advantage of you? Share your experiences below!