When it comes to being frugal, every penny counts for some people. They are the cheapskates who find joy in getting the most value out of every purchase. And let’s be honest, we all know someone like that.

But have you ever wondered what it’s like to grow up with cheapskate parents? Well, buckle up because these children have some crazy stories to share about their thrifty households. Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even relate to their experiences!

1. How My Dad Scored a Free Bar of Soap with a Clever Trick

Can you believe that someone would go to such lengths for a bar of soap? Well, this person’s dad did! When a guy came to their house to demonstrate a water filter, he used a bar of soap for the demonstration and left it behind. The dad then called four other companies just to keep getting free soap, without any intention of actually installing a water filter. Talk about resourceful!

2. My Dad’s Attachment with Paper Towels

Paper towels are a precious commodity in this household. The dad hoards them and expects everyone to ask for permission before using one. Imagine thinking that each roll costs $100 because of how carefully they’re guarded! But one day, disaster struck when a gallon of milk was spilled. The girlfriend grabbed a whole roll of paper towels to clean it up, leaving the dad in shock. The look on his face was priceless, as he tried to hide his pain and disappointment over the “wasted” roll.

3. My Dad’s Unique Approach to Saving Every Coin

This dad has some interesting ways to save money. He hangs his clothes outside even in freezing weather to avoid paying for electricity. When his kids cleaned their rooms, he would search through their trash for any “valuables” like money or recyclables. And his obsession with gas prices is on another level – he would drive around town for half an hour just to find the cheapest gas. But perhaps the most impressive of all is his technique of driving down a hill by putting the car in neutral and using his foot to push himself along. Talk about extreme frugality!

4. Meet the Return Policy Maestro

Returning items is not uncommon for many people, but this dad takes it to a whole new level. He once returned an outdoor furniture set that had been used for eight years and was weather-worn and broken. And guess what? They actually took it back! He then used the money to buy a brand new patio set. That’s what you call leveraging the return policy!

5. Unveiling the Frugal Achievements of My Grandmother

Let’s not forget about the grandparents in the world of cheapskates. One person recalls spending summers at their grandparents’ house and being instructed to use the “good napkins” when they had company over. These were the napkins without any restaurant logos printed on them. Going to restaurants was a rare treat, and when they did go, it had to be worth it. The grandmother would find clever ways to save money, like clipping coupons and returning the favor of doing something for someone by getting them to take her out for a meal. And let’s not forget the enormous purse that always returned with napkins and food from the buffet. Talk about making the most out of every dining experience!

These stories are just a glimpse into the world of cheapskate parents and the unique ways they approach frugality. Whether it’s scoring free soap, guarding paper towels, or mastering the art of returns, these parents certainly know how to make every penny count. So the next time you encounter a cheapskate, just remember, there’s always a story behind their thrifty habits!