When it comes to money, everyone has their own perspective. Some people live frugally, saving money for a rainy day, while others prefer to enjoy life to the fullest, spending on luxuries and good stuff. Being frugal isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it becomes extreme, it can lower the quality of life not only for the cheapskate themselves but also for their family. We found some crazy stories on Reddit shared by people who grew up with cheapskate parents. Let’s dive into their experiences!

1. How This Dad Scored a Free Bar of Soap with a Clever Trick Bar of Soap

One Reddit user shared a story about their dad who moved into a new house and had a guy come over to do a free demonstration of a water filter. The guy used a bar of soap for the demonstration and left it behind. The dad then called at least four other companies just to get more free demonstrations and keep the free bars of soap. Talk about finding joy in the little things!

2. Dad’s Attachment with Paper Towels Paper Towels

Another user talked about their dad’s obsession with paper towels. The dad would hoard them and expect permission to be asked for using them, even when the user was 21 years old. The dad believed that wasting paper towels was a waste of money, so he wanted to make sure they were used sparingly. The user recalled how their dad was heartbroken when they used a whole roll to clean up a spilled gallon of milk.

3. What a Unique Approach to Saving Every Coin Coins

One Reddit user shared their experiences with their dad who had a unique approach to saving money. The dad hung his clothes outside throughout the year, even in freezing temperatures, to save on electricity bills. He would also search through their trash for any “valuable” items like money or recyclables. And the dad’s obsession with finding the cheapest gas prices led them on a half-hour drive around town. Talk about going the extra mile to save!

4. Meet the Return Policy Maestro Return Policy

In this story, a user’s father took advantage of Costco’s generous return policy. He returned an outdoor furniture set that they had for eight years, even though it was weather-worn and had a couple of broken pieces. The father used the money he got from the return to buy a new patio set from Costco. Talk about making the most of a return policy!

5. Unveiling the Frugal Achievements of My Grandmother Frugal Grandma

This Reddit user shared their memories of their grandmother, who was a master of frugality. The grandmother had many clever ways to save money. She would use coupons, get people to take her out for dinner to “return the favor,” and even bring home napkins and food from buffets in her enormous purse. The grandmother had a knack for finding the best deals and would only go to restaurants with a salad bar. The user even had to drive over an hour to find a Sizzler where their grandmother hadn’t been banned yet!

6. Rolling in Savings Toilet Paper

A Reddit user shared a story about their dad’s ingenious way of saving money on toilet paper. Instead of buying regular rolls, their dad discovered where shopping centers bought the giant industrial rolls. They switched to using these huge rolls at home, providing three to four times the amount of regular toilet paper. The user admits feeling embarrassed when friends came over, but it definitely saved them some money!

7. My Grandmother’s Unbeatable Sears Lifetime Guarantee! Sears

In this story, a user’s grandmother took full advantage of the lifetime guarantee offered by Sears. Back when their grandparents got married in the late 1940s, Sears had a lifetime guarantee on almost everything they sold. The grandmother kept every flattened box and warranty for every appliance she got. Even after almost ten different moves and over 60 years, she was able to get a new iron from Sears with the original paperwork. Who knew being cheap could pay off so well?

8. My Dad’s Budget Home Became a Renovation Adventure Budget Home

One Reddit user shared their father’s extreme frugality when it came to buying a house. Instead of spending a little more for a decent home with newer features, the father opted for a low-quality house from 1947. The house had many original elements, including asbestos siding, no trim, and bare plywood floors. Over the years, the father had to put in more money than the initial savings to make the house livable. Sometimes saving money upfront can cost more in the long run!

9. Beating the Heat on a Budget AC

Living in Georgia, this user’s dad had a unique approach to saving money on the electric bill. He wouldn’t turn on the AC until the temperature exceeded 100°F (37.8°C). To help keep the heat out, they would shove styrofoam pads into all the windows and doorways. Additionally, they made the most of a natural spring in their city, using the free and drinkable water. Talk about finding creative ways to beat the heat without breaking the bank!

These stories give us a glimpse into the lives of those who grew up with extremely frugal parents. While it’s important to save money, it’s equally important to strike a balance and not let extreme frugality impact the quality of life. Share these stories with your family and friends to give them a good laugh and maybe appreciate the little things a little more!