Charlie Sheen, now 58 years old, has come a long way. After battling addiction and going through difficult times, he has turned his life around. Today, he proudly takes care of his two 14-year-old boys, Max and Bob, who he has full-time custody of.

“They’re cool, smart, and funny,” Charlie beams with pride. Despite the challenges he has faced, being a father to his boys brings him immense joy. However, like many parents, Charlie realizes the struggle of parenting in the digital age.

Screen time has become a common problem for teenagers, and Charlie’s boys are no exception. He chuckles, acknowledging the time they spend on their devices. While it gives him a brief respite from constantly shuttling them around the city, he is aware that excessive screen time can limit their opportunities to learn and explore.

But it’s not all about screens for Max and Bob. Charlie proudly shares their interests and talents. Bob won a horror movie competition at the age of 8, showcasing his creativity and passion. On the other hand, Max has a knack for playing the guitar, making music a significant part of his life. “They’re into cool stuff, not just Fortnite,” Charlie adds with a smile.

As a famous actor, Charlie acknowledges that his profession doesn’t impress his kids. To them, he’s just their dad. He chuckles as he recalls a recent request from Max for a game gift card while he was at the dentist. “When have I ever had a gift card? I’m not into gaming at all,” Charlie laughs. His main concern is to supervise their screen time rather than indulge in gaming himself.

Charlie’s love and pride extend to his daughters as well. He speaks fondly of Sami and Lola, his other children. He also mentions Cassandra Jade Estevez, who is now 38 years old. Charlie is grateful for the unwavering support he has received from his family, including his father Martin Sheen and brother Emilio Estevez, during his darkest times.

“There were times when shame kept me away from those who cared about me the most,” Charlie reflects. “But they never shut the door on me. It was always, ‘We’re here when you need us.’”

Charlie Sheen’s story is a testament to the power of love and family. Despite his struggles, he has found joy in being a father and is dedicated to guiding his children towards a bright future.