Looking at optical illusions can be quite fascinating, especially when they trick our brains. Today, we’re going to test your observation skills by challenging you to find a hidden dog in this kitchen. This image, shared by Christina Suvo, may appear devoid of any living beings at first glance, but fear not, there’s definitely a dog hiding somewhere!

If you’re having trouble spotting the elusive canine, let’s break down the image into sections. Start by examining each square, beginning with the top left. Here’s a hint: you’ll find the dog in box four, tucked away in the lower right corner.

Still no luck? Don’t worry, we have more tips for you. Pay close attention to the contrast between the dog’s lighter stomach and the dark carpet. Look for subtle details like his eyes, ears, and belly. In fact, the lighter color of his tummy and the pink inside his ears make him slightly easier to spot.

If you’re still struggling, we have a solution for you. Take a look at the highlighted version of the image. Now, the dog’s face with his long nose and big, adorable eyes becomes unmistakable. He’s an adult black Labrador, a breed known for weighing between 65-75 pounds (30-35 kilos).

It’s quite impressive how such a large dog managed to camouflage himself in this picture, isn’t it? Take your time and enjoy the challenge of finding hidden objects like this adorable black Labrador.

Keep those eyes sharp and have fun searching!