When Ayla Summer Mucha came into the world in December 2021, her parents were taken aback by the big smile on her little face. This smile, though caused by a rare condition, instantly won their hearts. Today, Ayla is a social media sensation, melting hearts all around the globe with her adorable grin.

Cristina Vercher and her husband Blaize Mucha eagerly awaited the arrival of their baby girl after nine long months. Yet, during the C-section delivery, they received unexpected news.

Ayla Summer Mucha was born with a condition called bilateral macrostomia, which caused her mouth to not form properly.

This facial cleft deformity, found only in 14 recorded cases, happens when the corners of the mouth do not come together correctly during a baby’s development. Ayla’s parents had no prior knowledge of this condition since it did not show up on ultrasound scans. Their worry escalated when they saw their tiny daughter with a wider-than-normal mouth.

“As parents, we were completely unaware of this condition, and I had never met anyone born with macrostomia,” shared Adelaide’s Vercher. “So, it was quite a shock.”

Even the doctors were caught off guard and were uncertain about how to handle a baby with bilateral macrostomia.

“It was even more distressing because it took hours for a doctor to provide an explanation, and the hospital had limited knowledge about this rare condition,” Vercher mentioned. “As a mother, I couldn’t help but wonder if I had done something wrong.”

However, the doctors assured the concerned parents that nothing could have been done differently. Cristina’s worrying thoughts about her pregnancy causing her daughter’s condition were put to rest.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about where I might have gone wrong as a mother,” she confided. But after days of genetic testing and scans, they were relieved to learn that this issue was beyond their control, and they were not to blame.

The Mucha family’s focus shifted towards ensuring Ayla’s comfort with her condition, which could impact her ability to eat and drink. In some cases, babies with this condition require surgery.

To raise awareness, Ayla’s parents decided to share her story on social media. Ayla’s endearing smile gained immense popularity on TikTok, with around 6.5 million people showing their love. The Mucha family was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.

One person commented, “I looked it up, and there are only 14 known cases like hers. She is truly unique. You should be proud, Mom!”

Another person expressed, “She is beautiful and perfect just the way she is. Her smile brought a smile to my face too.”

Unfortunately, there were some hurtful comments online about Ayla. However, her devoted fans swiftly came to her defense.

“Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Don’t pay attention to those mean people. She’s like an angel,” one person reassured. Another chimed in, “Oh my goodness! You’re so adorable! Ignore the negativity. You’re simply too cute.”

In response to the negativity, Vercher passionately shared, “I believe it’s crucial to be kind and accept everyone, regardless of their differences.” She hoped that people would treat her and her daughter with the same respect if they found themselves in a similar situation. Vercher highlighted that conditions like this could happen to anyone and acknowledged the challenges of navigating social media, where we cannot control others’ words.

Despite the negativity, Vercher chose to focus on the positive comments and support. She affirmed, “We will keep sharing our experiences and cherished memories because we are truly proud.”