After selling her own house, Emma moved into her daughter’s home to help her children develop their businesses. One day, she accidentally overheard her daughter's phone conversation. - Live News Pro

Jake’s Unexpected Inheritance

Jake was a man who didn’t care much for his mother. He sold her house and placed her in a nursing home, forgetting about her until it was time for him to claim his inheritance. But he was in for a surprise when he discovered that his mother had left everything to a stranger named Mrs. McKinsey, who turned out to be a doctor at a psychiatric hospital. Jake was furious and determined to get his share of the fortune.

A Surprising Revelation

In his search for answers, Jake learned that he had an older brother named Arnie, who had autism. His mother had made this decision to ensure his well-being and safety. This revelation shocked Jake, as he had always believed he was an only child. But his anger only grew as he realized that his mother had intentionally done this because of how he had treated her.

A Ray of Hope

Despite Jake’s anger, he saw an opportunity in his newfound brother, Arnie. Discovering Arnie’s exceptional memory and counting skills, Jake hatched a plan to use these talents to their advantage. They went to a casino where Arnie’s abilities wowed everyone, resulting in a significant win of $100,000. However, trouble seemed to follow Jake wherever he went, as suspicious onlookers and casino staff began to take notice.

A Chance Encounter

As Jake and Arnie celebrated their winnings at a bar, a woman named Samantha joined their table. Despite the initial flirtation, Jake saw an opportunity for Arnie to experience something new—an actual date. He struck a deal with Samantha, offering her money for a night with Arnie. However, what seemed like a harmless arrangement turned into a dangerous situation when Samantha’s enraged husband showed up with a shotgun.

A Heroic Act

In a panic, Jake rushed into the room to protect Arnie and tried to calm the situation. Unfortunately, Arnie’s turmoil led to a moment of distress, and he attempted to jump out the window. Jake managed to save his brother just in time, but Samantha and her husband disappeared with all their money, leaving Jake devastated and feeling betrayed.

A Moment of Redemption

Feeling remorseful and desperate, Jake returned Arnie to the hospital, where he encountered Dr. Sarah, who had been treating his brother. Despite his previous actions, Sarah recognized Jake’s change of heart and offered him help. She provided him with enough money to cover his debts and assured him that he could visit Arnie anytime he wanted.

A New Beginning

Jake left the hospital with a newfound appreciation for his brother and a determination to mend their relationship. He realized that family mattered more than money and that he had the power to make a positive difference in Arnie’s life. With the support of Dr. Sarah and a willingness to change, Jake embraced the opportunity to become a better brother and create a brighter future for both himself and Arnie.