A heart-wrenching story unfolded when a young father, Brandon Marteliz, received the devastating news that his newborn daughter had passed away. The pain he felt was indescribable, and he couldn’t fathom the loss of his precious child.

Just days before this tragic event, the baby’s mother had been eagerly anticipating their daughter’s arrival. However, everything changed when she abruptly stopped responding to Brandon’s messages. When he finally managed to reach her, he was met with shocking news that shattered his world.

The mother informed him that their baby had died during childbirth. Brandon was overcome with grief and hurried to the hospital to find answers. However, his desperation only caused a scene, and the guards were called to contain the situation. The mother remained tight-lipped, leaving Brandon in the dark.

Then, out of the blue, Brandon received a text message from the mother stating that she had the baby. Confusion clouded his mind as she once again stopped responding to his messages. It wasn’t long before he learned the heartbreaking truth – the mother had given their child up for adoption.

Because Brandon hadn’t provided financial support during the pregnancy, he had no legal rights or say in the matter. Feeling utterly helpless, he turned to Facebook to express his pain and grief. It was clear that he had never even seen his daughter, and it tore him apart.

“This killed the joyful person I used to be. I try to smile and keep going, but I don’t think I’ll ever be the same happy person again… I love you Amiya, wherever you are,” he wrote, pouring out his heart.

Nevertheless, Brandon refuses to give up. He is determined to fight for custody and bring his beloved daughter back into his arms. With unwavering determination, he vows to do everything in his power to win the custody battle.

“My little heart, you will see how Daddy fought and fights for you, with everything I have. I love you with all my heart and long to meet you and hold you. I will never give up, baby,” he declared, his love for his daughter driving him forward.